I finally moved to my new apartment yesterday, thanks to my friends.
It might not have been impossible to do that by myself if I take long time though, I was happy to be able to settle down thanks to my friends. That fact will help me when I feel lonely living alone.( I actually have a roommate though.) I really thank my friends helping me moving even in the hot weather.
Last night, I felt happy to realize now I own this whole space of the room, when I looked the roof before I went asleep. The room is a little bigger than that of the dorm which we shared with 2 persons. Now I feel both loneliness for being alone in the room and ease for getting my own room at the same time though, I gradually doing unpacking anyway.
By the way, a happy thing happened to me on the day before yesterday. I got a package from Japan, and inside was a letters from children whom I taught for 1 and half year as an teacher’s assistant. I figured out that it is the gift from class teacher and parents. I was really impressed with their consideration, and I was happy to know the growth of children.