
Jury week


今週からjury week(演奏試験週間)に入って、作曲科の学生にとっては実質1週間の休みなのですが、今は今月と来月にある演奏会の準備などでばたばたしています。。


These days, I feel that time flies a lot faster than before. This week is the jury week, so it is practically a week off for composers. I was originally planning on taking rest during this holidays, but I am now busy with preparing for upcoming concerts on this month and next month. The weather these days is rather warm, and the roadside trees are beginning to bud.

By the way, I went to a concert at Carnegie Hall yesterday at which the winning piece of the first prize in "Piano Trio competition" is premiered. Since my friend won the competition this year, I was really glad that I was able to come to the concert to listen to it and to support him. After the concert, I went to the reception of it which I missed last year. I enjoyed the time there with my friends.