昨日金管五重奏を書き終わりました。思ったより時間がかかってしまいましたが、仕上げに時間をとることができたのはよかったです。タイトルは「Horizons」で、I.Blue Horizon, II. White Horizon, III.Red Horizonの三楽章、計5分の曲です。12月1日の演奏会で演奏してもらう予定なので、今週末パート譜を仕上げてしまいたいと思います。
I saw an airship in the sky the other day.
I finished writing my brass quintet piece yesterday. It took more time than I thought, but I was glad that I was finally able to finish it. Its title is Horizons (I.Blue Horizon, II.White Horizon, III.Red Horizon), and it is 5 minutes piece. I will have this piece performed on December 1st concert at school. I would like to finish the parts this weekend and give them to the performers soon.