


Yesterday, there was the first orchestra rehearsal for the Composer's Concert on Dec 16. I was wondering whether to go to the first one, since I was advised from other composers that I should better not to go. I understood that they are caring me not to be disappointed at the first rehearsal end up realizing it is difficult to get together a new piece. But since I wanted to be at the rehearsal when the piece is actually born for the first time, so I consulted with the conductor and decided to stay. I was able to learn vividly about orchestration from the first run through such as which entrance is difficult to enter, the volume balance of the instruments, and how my intension worked in terms of orchestration. Above all, I was very impressed and thanked at the fact that the conductor studied my piece taking his time and now conducting, so many people in the orchestra are here playing my piece.







I started learning 3rd position of the violin from three weeks ago, but still I am not get used to it. When I play the open string, I feel it much more comfortable compare to a few months ago. But when I play with left hand, especially with 3rd position, my right hand suddenly goes unstable. My teacher advised me not to be so shy when I play the violin, feel myself as a violinist and always play with confidence. I did not think I become shy when I play the violin, but he must be right... I felt sorry to him for my slow learning, but I really thanked him for encouraging me patiently. I want to find the way to make good use of time and improve myself in studying music, English, Violin, and composition seriously. By the way, the first rehearsal of my orchestra piece is going to start tomorrow. I feel a little nervous about whether the parts work well, and whether the piece can be run through safely. But at the same time, I already feel missing that this concert will be finish within only three more weeks. I want to learn from this opportunity, and appreciate it a lot.







It is surprising that it is already the 4th day of thanksgiving holiday. I saw the thanksgiving parade through the TV at the laundromat. Huge balloon of Hello Kitty is floating. I realized that to appreciate small details about things and to recognize big picture of life needs time with ease, without urgent feeling. Although I did not study so much during this holiday, I made good use of time, such as went to dinner with my best friend, went to see a Broadway Musical, and slept and ate a lot.




夕方は3回目のマネスオーケストラのコンサートで、学校から約10ブロックのところにあるSymphony Spaceに行ってきました。今日は指揮科の学生の卒業演奏会で友達も振ったので、もし仕事がなければ客席で落ち着いて聴きたいところだったのですが、楽屋から送り出せるのもなかなかないなと思いました。曲目は以下の通りです。

Beethoven:Symphony No.4
Shostakovich:Symphony No.5


I just got back to my apartment from work.
At the last class today, Dictation, I volunteered to do two voices on the board. Two voices is the most difficult one for me, so usually I try to do others, one or four voices, if I were to go to the board. But somehow I could do well on the board this time. I am glad I could finish the class feeling good. I finally got five days off, since Thanksgiving holiday is starting from tomorrow.
In the evening, I went to Symphony Space for work, since there were the third concert of Mannes Orchestra. The concert tonight was a graduation recital of conducting major students. I wanted to listen to the concert as an audience on one hand, since one of my friends conducted, but on the other hand, it was also good to help him from backstage. The program was as follows.
Beethoven : Symphony No.4
Shostakovich : Symphony No.5
I also went to my friend's recital last night. What I feel when I go to such graduation concerts is, someone's big day is also always other one's usual day. Both are important, and both are passing so fast.
To celebrate myself for that I was able to hold on to things I had to do until thanksgiving, I got a mini strawberry cake for me.







I got a present from one of my best friends for celebrating me of being chosen in the competition. It was a Japanese comic book of "Ms.Nekomura" which story is about a cat who works as a housekeeper. This comic was originally published serially on the internet day by day, one picture by one. The world where Ms.Nekomura lives is like the old days of Japan, where she makes people around her happy by her honest and warm personality. I knew this story from before and liked a lot, but since I did not expect that I can read it again especially in NY, so I was very impressed and read through it at once. I am really happy to get this warm gift.




Barber : Adagio for Strings
Mozart : Symphony No.29
Pergoresi : Magnificat
Brahms : Alto Rhpsodie



Fortunately, I was able to sing in the concert last night even though still I was a little sick. The programs were as follows.

Barber : Adagio for Strings
Mozart : Symphony No.29
Pergolesi : Magnificat
Brahms : Alto Rhapsodie

I sang Pergolesi as an alto. It was my first experience to sing in the church, and was my second one to sing with full orchestra. Above all, to sing in such a big concert was a good opportunity, so I am really thankful to the conductor, who produced all about this concert. This week, I felt I finally might not be able to go through the entire schedule due to the sickness, but fortunately I could. I appreciate my luck. But I also got tired by sticking to it, so I spent most of the time taking a rest today. I slept a lot in the morning, wrote many pages of diary, and enjoyed practicing the violin in the evening.





I suddenly got sick a few days ago, but getting better rapidly. Since I have a performance tomorrow, I was wondering whether I could to be better enough to sing in the chorus in a few days. But good thing is that I was able to sing in the class today. Anyway, I will bring little box of Kleenex at least a few more days, so if you see me, and if you were run out of Kleenex, feel free to let me know. I will glad to give you some...
By the way, I had a recording session today. One of my friends gave me a chance to do that, so I had my string quartet recorded. In spite of the fact that all the performers were tired, since it was a night time recording session, still they played my piece several times sincerely, so I was really impressed at them. And they sounded great. I realized again that to be performed a piece is the happiest part of being a composer.






It was a really beautiful day today. There is a concert coming this Friday, which is held by my friend, who is a conductor, and I am participating in the concert as an chorus member and had the last rehearsal tonight. Since we sounds great, I am really looking forward to the performance.
Recently, I find myself enjoy singing. I used to feel uncomfortable to sing in front of people since I cannot sing high note, so I have been given up singing somehow from my childhood until recently. but I think I actually liked to sing or wanted to sing. So now I am happy to get the chance to do that with my friends.







It seems I could somehow survive this week, although it was a rather difficult one compare to recent ones. I sometimes think why does it, really busy Friday, happen every week, then I guess it is because I have the busiest classes on this day, and the time is more limited on Friday than other weekdays since it is the end of the week. So, there is no way for me but to work desperately hard on Friday morning until the class starts. Sometimes I feel I am overwhelmed by the things I need to do, especially when I am quite running out of time to work on them, and it is worse when I got depressed from something. But still there is a lesson to learn, which is "There is no storm which never goes away.", so the important thing is not to be so pessimistic even when things seems to be not going well. Anyway, I am really sleepy tonight..


Times Square

昨日はレッスンが終わってから少し時間があったので、懸案の買い物を済ませるべく久々に42nd St、タイムズスクエアのあたりに行きました。


Since I had some time after my lesson yesterday, I went to 42nd St, around Times Square, to buy something I wanted to get. It takes only 15 minutes or something to go there by subway from my apartment, but I got tired as I walk there, busy streets with full of people and neon signs. Since my apartment and school are located on rather calm residential area, the atmosphere of the city is really different compare to that of 42nd St. I am always amazed to find how Manhattan has various faces.


Piano performance





I came up with an idea about piano performance when I was listening to one of my friends playing the piano in the Score Reading class. I think the phenomenon, playing the piano, is dependent on how fast, from what angle, and how heavy, the power will be put on the keyboard. But the instance of touching the keyboard will not exist by itself. It should be connecting from the preceding gesture and musical mind of the performer to make a musical sound. I feel it is similar to the fact that tree has the same depth of root in the ground as it's branch. For now, I only can read score note by note, like almost murmuring on the keyboard. But when she, a pianist, plays piano from the score, it is still a good performance. Every notes are alive forming the piece, and her gesture seems connecting to the notes she makes. It reminds me of a big tree. Even though I cannot play piano like a pianist, when I play it, I would like to do it more musically.






Summer time was over today, so I felt as if I got an extra hour. Although I knew about it, when I woke up this morning, I was completely forgetting about it. Then since I thought I slept too much, I was glad when I recognized it. Actually this time change means we are awaking one more hour than usual, even if we sleep at the same time as usual, but still I feel glad about it. To appreciate this happy gap, I left my Swatch unchanged today. We had several windy and cold days recently, but still sometimes there are a beautiful autumn day. I was able to spent rather time relaxed this weekend than recent ones.






Since I am done with the whole schedule for today, Friday, I really feel relieved now. I imagine it might be the same kind of feeling that one feels when the long tennis rally is over, or the long line for the register is finally gone. Yesterday, there was a concert of Mannes orchestra at Alice Tully Hall, so I went there for working as an orchestra librarian. I was somehow able to listen to the performance backstage thorough a monitor though, I missed most of the second half since I had some work to do. I sometimes wish I could listen to the concert sitting as an audience though, still be in the backstage mean to me a lot. Since I was able to submitted my parts this week anyway, I will spent a few time figuring out which I should do next now.




マネスの作曲科の開いているコンペティションのうちの一つにThe CIRCE (Composer-In-Residence-Chamber-Ensemble) competitionというものがあり先日応募していたのですが、嬉しいことに今日選んでもらったと通知をもらいました。

このコンペティションは提出したスコア(それまでに書いた曲)をもとに選考され、選ばれた2人の学生がそこから新たに室内楽アンサンブルのために曲を書いて、翌年その年度のComposer in Residenceと同じ学内コンサートで演奏されるというものです。





Today, I got a happy news that I won The CIRCE (Composer-In-Residence-Chamber-Ensemble) competition. This competition is one of the four competitions held by Mannes composition department. Two composition major students are chosen to write a new piece for chamber ensemble formed by Mannes students which will be premiered at the concert next year together with the piece written by the Composer-In-Residence. I am really happy to be chosen this year, since I applied last year though was not able to be chosen. In real life, I am still keep feeling upset about how my knowledge and understanding of music is not enough as a composer, but still it is definitely a happy future from the point when I started studying here last year. I appreciate everything and everybody who supports me. The concert will be on May 4th next year at Mannes, so if somebody will be staying in NY at that time by any chance, please come..








I finally submitted my parts for the orchestra piece today. Since the score making software can transfer the date from score to the parts directly, the amount of work making parts is far less than what was in the early days in the music history when there was not even a printing machine. But still, making good parts seems to needs much work to be done one by one manually, such as adjusting the page size, font size of each symbols, putting cues after the long rest, page layout, making an arrangement for page turning, and printing them out and binding them together, so on. Even if one work needs only 1 minutes in each, since I have 30 parts this time, that means I need 30 minutes to go over all the parts. So I was afraid thinking I might not be able to finish the work according to the schedule. But at the same time, since these work needs much woke and time, I thought if there were not a goal of performance, it must be hard to get an opportunity to learn how to do it. So, this is really a good chance and I appreciate it.