マネスの作曲科の開いているコンペティションのうちの一つにThe CIRCE (Composer-In-Residence-Chamber-Ensemble) competitionというものがあり先日応募していたのですが、嬉しいことに今日選んでもらったと通知をもらいました。
このコンペティションは提出したスコア(それまでに書いた曲)をもとに選考され、選ばれた2人の学生がそこから新たに室内楽アンサンブルのために曲を書いて、翌年その年度のComposer in Residenceと同じ学内コンサートで演奏されるというものです。
Today, I got a happy news that I won The CIRCE (Composer-In-Residence-Chamber-Ensemble) competition. This competition is one of the four competitions held by Mannes composition department. Two composition major students are chosen to write a new piece for chamber ensemble formed by Mannes students which will be premiered at the concert next year together with the piece written by the Composer-In-Residence. I am really happy to be chosen this year, since I applied last year though was not able to be chosen. In real life, I am still keep feeling upset about how my knowledge and understanding of music is not enough as a composer, but still it is definitely a happy future from the point when I started studying here last year. I appreciate everything and everybody who supports me. The concert will be on May 4th next year at Mannes, so if somebody will be staying in NY at that time by any chance, please come..