Barber : Adagio for Strings
Mozart : Symphony No.29
Pergoresi : Magnificat
Brahms : Alto Rhpsodie
Fortunately, I was able to sing in the concert last night even though still I was a little sick. The programs were as follows.
Barber : Adagio for Strings
Mozart : Symphony No.29
Pergolesi : Magnificat
Brahms : Alto Rhapsodie
I sang Pergolesi as an alto. It was my first experience to sing in the church, and was my second one to sing with full orchestra. Above all, to sing in such a big concert was a good opportunity, so I am really thankful to the conductor, who produced all about this concert. This week, I felt I finally might not be able to go through the entire schedule due to the sickness, but fortunately I could. I appreciate my luck. But I also got tired by sticking to it, so I spent most of the time taking a rest today. I slept a lot in the morning, wrote many pages of diary, and enjoyed practicing the violin in the evening.