
Rainy Monday


先取音: 非和声音(転移音)の一種。つぎに続く和音の構成音が、先行する和音の弱拍部分に非和声音としてあらわれるもの。『新編 音楽中辞典』

I went to do the landry at 7am in the moring afterward.. Since then, it has been raining almost all the day today.

《A music term of the day》
Anticipation : A metrically weak dissonant tone that is immediately reharmonized as a consonance. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"




倚音: 非和声音(転移音)の一種。和音構成音の隣接音が、強拍部に予備なく導入され、一時的に不協和状態を起こすもの。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I feel how I spend the time during the weekend directly effects the busyness of the following week. I got my hair cut, and got violin lesson and English lesson today. One thing I missed in this weekend is my favorite housework, landry. I am thinking of doing that tomorrow morning before the class if it is not rainning..

《A music term of the day》
Appoggiatura : a metrically strong dissonance, normally arrived at by leap and resolved by descending step. The term is also applied to accented dissonances similar to the suspension, in which case it is said to be a prepared appoggiatura, and more loosely to any accented dissonance that is resolved by step in either direction. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"








掛留: 非和声音(転移音)の一種。先行和音の音が保留され、一時的に不協和状態を起こしたのち、本来進むべき音に進んで解決するもの。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Recently, I had not been bitten so often though, still I saw a few of bed bugs in my room. So, today I had my room applied insecticide spray for the third time. The good things about it are, I and my roommate do not need to pay for the cost, the owner of this apartment will do, and the company will come to apply the spray more than one time as a follow up if we still see the bugs. To prepare for the application, moving furnitures apart from the wall and put things away from the floor, is some work though, I and my roommate are even used to it. When I was shopping at the supermarket today, I heard the radio advertisment that one of the mattress company is doing a promotion especially for New York residents of a product which protects bed from bed bugs . It says, if we buy one, we can get 1 for free. Hmm..

《A music term of the day》
Suspension: normally a dissonant tone occuring in a strong metrical position, having been sustained ( or "suspended" or "prepared" ) from an initial attack as a consonance and converted to a dissonance as a result of motion in another voice. It is most often resolved downward by step. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"





四月   1回目の申請
五月   届かないので2回目の申請
七月   転居もあり、夏休みに入っても届かないので3回目の申請
八月   それでも届かないので4回目の申請
三日前 オフィスに小切手を受け取りに来るようにとの電話
二日前 取りに行くと「なくしたようなので見つかったら連絡します。」と言われる
昨日   なくしたと思われていた小切手が郵送で届く
今日   小切手を再発行したので再び取りに来るようにとの電話(郵送で届いた小切手は無効…)。


十二音音楽: 十二音技法による音楽の総称。ストラヴィンスキーをはじめ、第二次世界大戦後、さまざまな作曲家によって書かれた作品をも含むが、一般には、とくにシェーンベルク、ヴェーベルン、ベルクをはじめとする新ウィーン楽派の1920年代以降の無調作品をさすことが多い。 *『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I finally got the check which I has been long waiting for. It is the award money I was given when I got the prize with the piano trio in April. I had to submit the form to get the check and supposed to wait for a while, but it should not have taken that long. It seems that there were succession of mistakes in the procedure of issuing the check within the office, which does not happen so often as I heard. I submitted the same form again and again since even I waited for more than a few months, no notice has been sent to me. But finally, I was able to get it, which is great. I had been being uneasy about this until today though, sometime it happens. I am really thankful to get it finally.

《A music term of the day》
Twelve-tone music : Music based on a serial ordering of all twelve chromatic pitches. These series of twelve pitches (also known as the row), whose form is uniquely determined for each composition, serves as the reherential basis for all pitch events in that composition (in distinction to the seven-note diatonic basis used in tonal music). The term is most commonly applied to music by Alnold Schoenberg and his followers, though Josef Matthias Hauser actually developed a somewhat different type of twelve-tone composition shortly before Shoenberg. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"


Ear Training

今期の授業の中で一番準備に時間がかかるのがEar Trainingですが、やりがいはあります。

その中でMudus Nobusという無調の視唱曲集で様々な異名同音で書かれた増三和音の練習をしていた時に気づいたことですが、増三和音のつもりでピアノで確かめてみると実際は長三和音や短三和音をかなり頻繁に歌っていました。


「間違い」とは何かを予期して行動した結果なので、それがなぜ起こったかを考えるのは貴重な勉強なんだとChoral conductingの先生が仰っていたなと思い出しました。

展開部: 楽曲のなかで、提示された主題や素材にさまざまな変化を加え、発展させる部分。

Ear Training is the class which needs much time for me to prepare, but it is worth doing. I recently noticed something about myself musically by practicing an assignment for that class. When I was practicing "Modus Nobus", singing Augmented triad in various enharmonic notation, I found myself actually singing Major triad or Miner triad often without notice until I play them on the piano. It tells me that I am not singing entirely depending on absolute pitch but rather on memory of familiar sound such as Major or Minor triad. I recall what the teacher of choral conducting told us in the class that "mistakes" are the results of expectation, so it is worth thinking carefully why it happened to learn.

《A music term of the day》
Development : Structual alteration of musical material, as opposed to the exposition or statement of material. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"



連作歌曲: 一連の歌曲(重唱曲を含む)に内容的、性格的まとまりを与え、一貫性のある音楽作品として創作、出版したもの。

These days I usually walk back from Practice Center after I finish my work shift at night. Since the weather has been nice these days, to walk at night is comfortable. By the way, along the road which I usually walk, there were street markets yesterday. When I passed by there in the afternoon, there were many people coming for the markets. Then when I passed there again in the evening, still there were people gathering the trush on the road. Seeing them working hard to make the road clean after fun event, I recalled school festival of my high school days. I remember I learned that festival needs preparation beforehand and clean up afterwards.

《A music term of the day》
Song cycle : A group of songs, usually for solo voice and piano, constituting a literary and musical unit. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"








アヴェ・ヴェルム・コルプス: ローマ・カトリック教会のイムヌスのひとつ。「めでたし、まことの御体」の意。バード、モーツァルトの合唱作品でも知られる。

I have not been writing this blog for a while, since I did not have enough energy to do to finish my orchestra piece by the deadline,yesterday. Anyway I subumitted it since I had been decided to do so, even though I was not be able to completely finish it especially in terms of notation. By the way, I think writing music is like a travel, and I experienced a lot on this travel. I hope all the things I experienced and thought in writing the piece, and in my real life were somehow working together to make the piece better. There were some words on my mind when I was finishing the piece, which was one of the advise from the teacher of the choral conducting class. He advised us not to be nervous when we were to conduct in front of people. He said, "There is music, and the music itself will help you." I understood it as, we do not need to think we are the only person who are responsible for making the music come out from nothing. If there are musics and singers who are up to sing, then music would come up by itself. All we should do is to connect with the music. I thought this advise is also applied to composition. To compose may be something to also connect to the "music" which is one of the organized fields with established roles, to find the way for the piece to go. *Definition by Wikipedia

"A music term of the day"
Ave verum corpus : Ave verum corpus is a short Eucharistic hymn that has been set to music by various composers.


On Campus jobs


Room Scheduling Office
Practice Center
Orchestra Librarian

今日は午前中に1つ授業を終えてから、晩までその3つを立て続けに渡り歩く日でした。Room Scheduling OfficeとPractice Centerでは主に部屋の予約を取るのが仕事なので、人の名前のスペルを早く一回で聞き取れるようになりたいです。Orchestra Librarianではコピー機の使い方をマスターできそうです。

ストラディヴァーリ、アントーニオ(1644から49 クレモナ?-1737同地): イタリアのクレモナのヴァイオリン制作者。

I got more on campus jobs this semester than last one, then I am now working for three offices as listed above. Today, I had all of them successively right after I finish one class in the morning. At Room Scheduling Office and Practice Center, my main job is to book practice rooms for students, so my first goal for them is to became good at catching students' name correctly at once when they spell it for me. And as an orchestra librarian, I expect myself to be sufficient to use a copy machine.

《A music term of the day》
Stradivari, Antonio (b. Cremona?,1644;d.there?,18 Dec.1737) : Instrument maker. *Definition from "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"





神秘和音: スクリャービンによって用いられた特徴的な和音。

It was a sunny nice day today, September 11. I heard that the same day of 9 years ago was also nice weather. I had my room applied bed bug killer on the floor again today. I hope it getting rid of the bugs finally.

《A music term of the day》
Mystic chord : A chord used by Scriabin consisting of various types of fourths. *Definition from "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"






ニーベルングの指環:Der Ring des Nibelungen[独] ヴァーグナーの序夜および3日にわたる舞台祝祭劇。

I could somehow manage to finish the first 2 weeks of the Fall semester today. I sometimes feel like the "Schedule" is compared to a choreography. In a choreography, each motion of the dancer is decided along with the meter. And regardless of the difference of the stages,such as big or small, stable or unstable, and indoor or outdoor, dancers are expected to perform steadily to the choreography. The same thing is applied to the schedule, so people are expected to do certain thing weekly regardless of their personal happenings or health issues. I feel the beginning of new life is always the time of learing the new choleography.

《A Music Term of The Day》
Der Ring des Nibelungen(THe Ring of the Nibelung):A cycle of four epic operas or 'dramas' by the German composer Richard Wagner(1813-83). *Definition from Wikipedia



今日はRash Hashanahのため授業はお休みでした。それで朝から出かけてニュージャージーの大きな日本スーパー「Mistuwa」に行ってきました。


「ゴキジェットプロ 秒殺+まちぶせ」




定旋律:Cantus firmus 対位法的な作曲の基礎となる旋律。

There was no class today because of Rash Hashanah, so I went to Mistuwa, a Japanese shopping mall at New Jersey in the morning to buy something. I wanted to buy a Japanese insecticide for cockroaches but also effective for bed bugs. But I was not able to buy it after all, because they did not have one. I asked at the customer service, then they answered that it is about the restriction of exportation for such insecticide or spray type product. Only product they have for getting rid of bugs is "Katori Senkou", which is an incense to stay away mosquitos by its smoke. I might be able to figure that possibility out if I think more carefully beforehand. But, since I expected to get it, I was a little dissapointed. Anyway, I bought some Japanese food there.

《Music term of the day》
Cantus Firmus: A Preexistent melody used as the basis of a new polyphonic composition.*Definition from"The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"




オーケストラの曲の締め切りがいよいよ来週にせまってきました。ところで今日レッスンで音楽辞典の話が出て、そういえば日本から持ってきた厚めの『新編 音楽中辞典』をまったく活用していなかったことに気付きました。



《今日の音楽用語》 「オペラ座」 : フランス、パリを代表する歌劇場。 

Since I had a composition lesson today, I bought a pack of orange juice for myself as a reward, which is a little more expensive one than the one I usually buy. Anyway, the deadline for an orchestra piece is coming next week. When I talked with my teacher about the notation of the music at the lesson, I realized I have not well used the music dictionary which I brought from Japan. So, to make use of it, I will pick up a word randomly from it and put here. The name of the dictionaly is "Shin-pen Ongaku Chu-jiten" which means "The New Edition of Music Dictionary"in English.

《A music term of the day》 
Opera National de Paris: The opera house which represents Paris, France.





今日はLabor dayで学校はお休みだったのですが、涼しく過ごしやすい一日でした。

This is what we call "Grean Tea" in Japan, which is a mixture of powdered green tea and sugar.We usually drink it dissolving in the cold water especially in summer. My friend who visited NY the other day gave it to me as a souvenir from Kyoto. Basically, I like "Grean tea" very much, and this one made by "Ippo-dou", a famous tea house in Kyoto, is the best of all I ever drunk. I think I will somehow get this every summer from now on. This and Calpico helped me a lot to survive this hot summer. Today was a labor day, so I did not have any class. It was a cool, comfortable day.








Recently, I often come up with this thought in my mind, "Whatever will be, will be." As long as I am given the chance to choose my own career by myself, I think I have to move on all by my decision. But at the same time, I somehow feel there might be a certain furture which is already decided for me. All the things which is happening to me everyday must be connected with the furture. Sometimes it might be hard to accept, but even though, it should be one of the right steps leading to the furture. And that kind of furture must be there for everybody and relating to each other. What I can do would be being open to the sign sent from the furture, and just go on.








I want to write one more thing today. It is about a bug, so it might make you feel uncomfortable, my apologies. I found bed bugs in my room the other day. They are making people annoyed so much, especially in NY now. They bite people at dawn and its bug bite causes itching. I give up describing their behavior precisely though, anyway it is difficult to get rid of them completely at once.I have been hesitated to talk about them to my friends for a while since it might annoy them, or scare them by the suspicion they also have one. Now I and my roommate are doing much effort to get rid of them, such as applying bug killer on the floor or doing bunch of laundry and packing clothes into ziploc to isolate them from the bugs though, it seems to take time. The bugs are robbing us of much time and energy though, even if I spend whole time dealing with them, they will not write music for me in return. So, I will somehow find the way concentrate on what I should really do instead of being possessed by them..




20th Century Theory/Tonal

Theory Ⅲ
Analysis Ⅰ/GR
Broadway and Musical Theater

Orchestration Ⅱ
Music history review
Major lesson
Composition forum

Ear Training Ⅳ
Dictation Ⅳ
Keyboard Ⅱ
Theory Ⅲ
Score reading
Brahms Choral Music


It was a windy day today, I suppose it is because of the hurricane coming. I spent the day doing laundry, shopping, and practicing so on. The list above is of the classes I am taking this semester. It is more than last semester, and I also got more on-campus job, so there are going to be less time preparing for the classes though, I will work hard and will make time for composing.

Percussion instruments




I had been busy coping with new schedule until today. Finally, I went through all the schedule for a week of new semester. By the way, yesterday I asked my friend who is a percussionist to teach me a little about percussion instruments. She showed me how the sound of Marimba changes depend on its mallets, explained the difference between Marinba and Xylophone, and told me a basic set and use of percussion instruments in orchestral setting. It helped me a lot to imagine the sound when I am writing the orchestra piece even though there are more instruments and the way of playing I should learn.