連作歌曲: 一連の歌曲(重唱曲を含む)に内容的、性格的まとまりを与え、一貫性のある音楽作品として創作、出版したもの。
These days I usually walk back from Practice Center after I finish my work shift at night. Since the weather has been nice these days, to walk at night is comfortable. By the way, along the road which I usually walk, there were street markets yesterday. When I passed by there in the afternoon, there were many people coming for the markets. Then when I passed there again in the evening, still there were people gathering the trush on the road. Seeing them working hard to make the road clean after fun event, I recalled school festival of my high school days. I remember I learned that festival needs preparation beforehand and clean up afterwards.
《A music term of the day》
Song cycle : A group of songs, usually for solo voice and piano, constituting a literary and musical unit. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"