アヴェ・ヴェルム・コルプス: ローマ・カトリック教会のイムヌスのひとつ。「めでたし、まことの御体」の意。バード、モーツァルトの合唱作品でも知られる。
I have not been writing this blog for a while, since I did not have enough energy to do to finish my orchestra piece by the deadline,yesterday. Anyway I subumitted it since I had been decided to do so, even though I was not be able to completely finish it especially in terms of notation. By the way, I think writing music is like a travel, and I experienced a lot on this travel. I hope all the things I experienced and thought in writing the piece, and in my real life were somehow working together to make the piece better. There were some words on my mind when I was finishing the piece, which was one of the advise from the teacher of the choral conducting class. He advised us not to be nervous when we were to conduct in front of people. He said, "There is music, and the music itself will help you." I understood it as, we do not need to think we are the only person who are responsible for making the music come out from nothing. If there are musics and singers who are up to sing, then music would come up by itself. All we should do is to connect with the music. I thought this advise is also applied to composition. To compose may be something to also connect to the "music" which is one of the organized fields with established roles, to find the way for the piece to go. *Definition by Wikipedia
"A music term of the day"
Ave verum corpus : Ave verum corpus is a short Eucharistic hymn that has been set to music by various composers.