四月 1回目の申請
五月 届かないので2回目の申請
七月 転居もあり、夏休みに入っても届かないので3回目の申請
八月 それでも届かないので4回目の申請
三日前 オフィスに小切手を受け取りに来るようにとの電話
二日前 取りに行くと「なくしたようなので見つかったら連絡します。」と言われる
昨日 なくしたと思われていた小切手が郵送で届く
今日 小切手を再発行したので再び取りに来るようにとの電話(郵送で届いた小切手は無効…)。
十二音音楽: 十二音技法による音楽の総称。ストラヴィンスキーをはじめ、第二次世界大戦後、さまざまな作曲家によって書かれた作品をも含むが、一般には、とくにシェーンベルク、ヴェーベルン、ベルクをはじめとする新ウィーン楽派の1920年代以降の無調作品をさすことが多い。 *『新編 音楽中辞典』より
I finally got the check which I has been long waiting for. It is the award money I was given when I got the prize with the piano trio in April. I had to submit the form to get the check and supposed to wait for a while, but it should not have taken that long. It seems that there were succession of mistakes in the procedure of issuing the check within the office, which does not happen so often as I heard. I submitted the same form again and again since even I waited for more than a few months, no notice has been sent to me. But finally, I was able to get it, which is great. I had been being uneasy about this until today though, sometime it happens. I am really thankful to get it finally.
《A music term of the day》
Twelve-tone music : Music based on a serial ordering of all twelve chromatic pitches. These series of twelve pitches (also known as the row), whose form is uniquely determined for each composition, serves as the reherential basis for all pitch events in that composition (in distinction to the seven-note diatonic basis used in tonal music). The term is most commonly applied to music by Alnold Schoenberg and his followers, though Josef Matthias Hauser actually developed a somewhat different type of twelve-tone composition shortly before Shoenberg. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"