掛留: 非和声音(転移音)の一種。先行和音の音が保留され、一時的に不協和状態を起こしたのち、本来進むべき音に進んで解決するもの。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より
Recently, I had not been bitten so often though, still I saw a few of bed bugs in my room. So, today I had my room applied insecticide spray for the third time. The good things about it are, I and my roommate do not need to pay for the cost, the owner of this apartment will do, and the company will come to apply the spray more than one time as a follow up if we still see the bugs. To prepare for the application, moving furnitures apart from the wall and put things away from the floor, is some work though, I and my roommate are even used to it. When I was shopping at the supermarket today, I heard the radio advertisment that one of the mattress company is doing a promotion especially for New York residents of a product which protects bed from bed bugs . It says, if we buy one, we can get 1 for free. Hmm..
《A music term of the day》
Suspension: normally a dissonant tone occuring in a strong metrical position, having been sustained ( or "suspended" or "prepared" ) from an initial attack as a consonance and converted to a dissonance as a result of motion in another voice. It is most often resolved downward by step. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"