今回の曲は一楽章のみ、5分半の曲でタイトルはString Quintet No.1 "Departure"といいます。このキャンプが始まってさあ何を書こう、と思った時に今回日本から来る際に空港で感じた「境界線上の孤独」というものを書いてみたいと思って、このタイトルとテーマのモチーフを思いつきました。その後色々迷って行き詰まりましたが、結果的にはこうして実際に舞台で演奏してもらえたことをキャンプ初日の自分にはとても想像できなかったなと、終演後に演奏者と撮ってもらった幸せな写真を見ながら思いました。
The concert went very well last night. The program order for my piece was right after the intermission, and during the intermission I was hanging around the hall restlessly. Then one of my performers came to me and said "Are you nervous? Don't worry." I was impressed by both his kindness and his confidence as a performer going to stage. And at the performance, my performers did great job on my piece, and I was really thankful for them. This one movement piece of 5 and half minutes, is named String Quintet No.1 "Departure". I came up with this title and the main motif, wanting to write about "The loneliness on the border" which I felt at the airport coming to here. Although the process for writing this piece was not always successful, I am really happy to see the picture I took with my performers after the concert, recalling I was not able to imagine such a happy moment would come to me when I started writing.