It was foggy this morning, so I thought it would be croudy today though, it turned out to be sunny as usuall around the noon.
At the meeting today, we had to tell some stories in each in front of everyone to understand how story is organaized, for make use of the concept to our composition.
I told my own story of a chorus contest at high school days. The rough story is that I once accompanied the class and terribly failed at the performance, but next year I was able to accompany well and the class won a prize. At that time, I was really dipressed about the failure, but now, I sometimes tell this story in front of people as one of my precious stories. Life is amazing.
Still I was nervous before I talk, since it was first time telling this story in English. But afterward, I was happy that I was somehow able to finish it, and got favarable comments on it.
I thought it was a very good assignment, and it was interesting that all the stories were different in style and of corse in its contents.