帰りにリンカーンセンターのPerforming Artsの図書館に寄ろうとしたところ、前の広場で大々的なステージが組まれて大音響のライブが展開していました。図書館ではお静かに…と思いましたが、中に入るとかなり防音されていました。夏なので屋外でのイベントも多いんだなあと思います。
I worked for PC today as well. During my hours, only one student came to practice. It was kind of lonely to be there alone waiting somebody to come though, I think sometimes that happens. The bath room has not been fixed yet, so it might be good that not so much people came. The way home from there, I stopped by Public library for the Performing Arts. There were a big stage set right in front of the library, and heavy music was going on. I thought how does that happen in front of the library where people like to be quiet though, when I went into inside the building, it was not so bad. It seems that many summer events are happening among the city.