夕方にかけてミーティングやレクリエーションがあったのですが、このフェスティバルに来ている学生の年齢層は12.5歳~29歳らしく、10代の子たちが半分以上のようでした。軽く年齢カルチャーショック:自分は年相応に見られない(ひどければ10歳以上幼く見られている)、相手の実年齢もとても信じられない(少なくとも22歳くらいだと思っていたら、16歳だったり13歳だったり…)を昨年のNew Schoolのオリエンテーションの時以上に感じてはらはらしましたが、アメリカの10代はこんな感じなのかとかえって人生勉強にもなりそうです。
I have been here at San Francisco from yesterday. The picture is the scinery from the window on my domitry room.
I did not have enough time to well prepare for leaving for here though, fortunately I was able to get here so smoothly.
But actually, I was a little nervous when I was waiting for the flight at the airport. Since the waiting time for the flight was long, I felt a little loneliness as to travel alone for a new place. In addition, I realized that the airport is very ambiguous place which is neigther a destination nor a home.
But when I got to the university on San Francisco where this summer festival is held, I became cheerful since the weather was good. Moreover, I got happy to know that the domitry room which was assigned to me was a beautiful single room.
In the evening, there were some meetings and orientations. Since most of the participants at this festival are teenagers, I got a little culture shock on the gap between their looks and actual age. But it may be a good chance to know what American teenagers are like.
I suppose to know more datailed schedule today, so I want to start concentrating on studying soon.