フーガ:冒頭に提示された主題が、複数の声部間で、対位法的に、しかも特定の調的規則にのっとって模倣される楽曲。またその作曲技法のこと。楽曲全体は、主題と応答からなる提示部と、エピソードとの交替を基本に構成される。声部数は3−4声部のものが一般的。* 『新編 音楽中辞典』より
I am sorry to write about bed bug again, but I still seems to have them in my room.. I had bought some spray for killing them and applied it to the floor for two weeks and it seemed to be working well for a while, but I saw them in the end just before I went back to Japan. I was worrying that they grow during the holiday, but it seems not so bad. But still they are here, so I had my room applied insecticide again (I remember this is the 6th or 7th time) by exterminator the other day. The exterminator told me he also do not know why they do not go, and gave us a glue traps for them.
It says "Mouse and Insect Glue Trap". I was a bit surprised that it aims to catch both mouse and insect, since I remember the size of glue trap for mouse and for cockroach was different in Japan.. Anyway, it seems the concept of the product is almost the same as "Gokiburi Hoihoi", a glue trap for cockroach in Japan. The exterminator told me that it is not the perfect solution, but sometimes catches them. It is absolutely better than nothing, so I placed 6 of them on the floor immediately.
《A music term of the day》
Fugue : (1)The most fully developed procedure of imitative counterpoint, in which the theme is stated successively in all voices of the polyphonic texture, tonally established, continuously expanded, opposed, and reestablished; also a work employing this procedure. (2) In the Renaissance, imitation. (3) In the Middle Ages, canon. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"