
無調(性):調性のない状態。ゆえに最広義においては、長短調によらないものすべてを含むが、一般的には、調性を特徴づけている音階や和音が機能しておらず、さらに諸音高のあいだにヒエラルキーがほとんどない場合をさす。また狭義においては、十二音音楽に達する以前の新ウィーン楽派の音楽様式を、この語でよぶ。『新編 音楽中辞典』より
I went to the Public library again to finish writing an ensemble piece soon. There are still much snow remaining everywhere in the city from the last snow day, and poor two lion statues of the library were also covered with snow.. To compare with performers, composer does not necessarily need an instrument when he compose, so practically he can compose any time at any place. But still I think it is important to set time and be in the environment where he can really be productive.What I like about this library is that I am able to feel the good enough amount of space around me vertically and horizontally which makes me concentrate on what I am doing.
《A music term of the day》
Atonality. The absence of tonality, the absence of key. The term is most often applied to music of the 20th century in which pitches are not treated in accordance with the particular principles of tonal centers, consonance and dissonance, and harmony and counterpoint that prevailed in various forms in Western music from the end of the 17th century through the 19th and into the 20th. Thus, the term generally refers to the absence of a particular kind of tonality, sometimes called tonic-dominant or triadic tonality.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"