音階:音楽で用いられる音を高さの順に配列したものは、一定の音程関係をくり返す形でならぶが、そのくり返しの最小の単位を音階という。その単位は4度、5度、オクターヴ、オクターヴ以上のものなどいろいろあるが、通常は西洋音楽にみられるようにオクターヴを単位として考えるのが一般的である。* 『新編 音楽中辞典』より
We got some snow yesterday, then I saw many foot steps of people and dogs on streets. Since dogs usually do not wear shoes, I was afraid they feel very cold, but one dog I saw seemed to enjoying taking a walk in the snow. I went to NY public library after I finished the class to compose. I realized it is useful to set the time and really concentrate on composing. Then in the evening, I and my roommate watched one hour of Mr.Obama's State of the Union address on TV standing, since we did not expected that it lasts that long.
《A music term of the day》
Scale. A collection of pitches arranged in order from lowest to highest or from highest to lowest. The pitches of any music in which pitch is definable can be reduced to a scale.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"