ヴィブラート:音の高さをわずかに揺らしながら演奏すること。声楽や多くの楽器の演奏で広くおこなわれる技巧で、声や音を豊かに美しく響かせる目的で用いられる。弦楽器の場合は弦を押さえる指の振動によって、管楽器の場合は一種のブレス・コントロールによっておこなわれる。* 『新編 音楽中辞典』より
We got so much snow last night, then finally school is closed today. I took a walk around my apartment to go and see whether Laundromat is still open in the early morning. Everything was covered with snow and looked like marshmallow. Although there were still some snow on the street, it seemed people of the stores and school already removed the most of the snow from there, so I was able to walk without being caught in it.
《A music term of the day》
Vibrato. A slight fluctuation of pitch used by performers to enrich or intensify the sound. In modern string playing, vibrato is produced by rocking the left hand as a note is played; in modern wind playing, it is effected by regulating the air flow into the instrument or by varying the tension of the lips or the pressure of the mouth on the reed or mouthpiece. Since the early years of the 20th century, vibrato, particularly on bowed stringed instruments, has become essentially an organic feature of tone production, a means of adding continuous intensity to the sound; vibrato has become a standard feature of the unchanging legato sound most often taught at present.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"