トーン・クラスター:長・短2度、微分音などで隣接した音群が同時に鳴らされた響き、およびこれを用いた技法。調的な機能をもっていない点で、和音とは区別される。最初期の例はカウエルのピアノ曲(1913)などにみられるが、1960年前後からリゲティ、ペンデレツキによって管弦楽に適用されると、急速に普及した。20世紀後半においてもっとも重要な技法のひとつ。* 『新編 音楽中辞典』より
I wrote down composers name and put them on the wall of my room in chronological order. I started to pick up the composers from Music History book, then I added more composers whom I was reminded in classes and concerts. Although I might still missing some great composers, I think it is getting in shape. This is a simple chart, but it is useful to check a composer's location in the music history easily. I would like to learn music history more starting from this chart.
《A music term of the day》
Tone cluster. A highly dissonant, closely spaced collection of pitches sounded simultaneously, at the piano usually by striking a large number of keys with the hand or arm. The term was coined by Henry Cowell, who made considerable use of tone clusters in his own music from at least 1912. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"