反復進行:1つの短い楽句を、同じ音型パターンを保ちつつ、異なった高さで2回以上くり返すこと。* 『新編 音楽中辞典』より
Since concerto competition is coming soon, recently the practice rooms at school are really crowded almost until the closing time of the building. Yet I felt like up for practicing violin today after I finished composition lesson, I went to school 1 hour before its closure and practiced. I am now practicing one of the christmas songs from the beginner's violin textbook. One of my friends listened to it when he passed by the door, and he came in just to say "Why now!?".
《A music term of the day》
Sequence. The repetition of a phrase of melody(melodic sequence) and or a harmonic progression(harmonic sequence) at different pitch levels, the succession of pitch levels rising or falling by the same or similar intervals.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"