





移動ド(movable do)長調の曲では主音を「ド」、短調の曲では主音を「ラ」とし、ドレミファ・・・・・・の階名で歌う方法。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Yesterday, Friday, was the busiest day of the week for me as always. Now I am really glad that somehow I was able to survive it and finally got the spring break. Good job. I feel that it is hard to be a student, even though the hardness must be different from that of being a working member of society. As a student I am always having a fear of get left behind from the classes at once if I could not prepare for them enough. Anyway, I have several things to write. So I'll write all of them tomorrow.

A music term of the day

Movable do. A system of solmization in which the syllable do represents the first scale-degree of the major scale regardless of its transposition and is thus “movable” to any pitch. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"



今日は今年度二回目のコンポーザーコンサートでした。今回はタイミングが合わず曲を出品しなかったのですが、演奏会を聴いているとやはり自分の曲も演奏してもらいたい気持ちになりました。今夜中にパート譜を仕上げられれば今書いている曲もようやく完成します。タイトルは「Before Dawn(夜明け前)」編成は、オーボエ、クラリネット、ファゴット、マリンバ、ビオラ、チェロです。


イデー・フィクス(idée fixe)固定楽想。ベルリオーズがその《幻想交響曲》の中心的楽想に対して与えた名称。この楽想は全5楽章を通して変形されながらあらわれ、主人公である芸術家の置かれたさまざまな状況を暗示する。のちのライトモティーフの原型。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

There was the second composer's concert tonight. I did not have any piece that is ready to be performed right now, so I just went to listen to it. But as I listen to the concert, I got anxious to be performed my piece soon. If I could finish making parts within a few hours, my current piece will be finally done tonight. The title is "Before Dawn". The instrumentation is Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Marimba, Viola, and Cello.

A music term of the day

Idée fixe. Berlioz’s term for the recurring musical idea linking the several movements of his Symphonie fantastique and associated in its program with the image of the beloved. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"









アーティキュレーション 演奏にさいしての、音の切りかた、つなげかた。ある音どうしを切り離して演奏したり、つなげて演奏することにより、音楽全体の動きに形や表情を与えること。 『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Finally, there is only a week left before the spring break. I played piano four hands with strings last night to help my friend practicing conducting. Since I have less experience in playing in an ensemble especially with conducting, it was really fun. I think conducting is the most musical activity, but I am not sure about what exactly it is. Then yesterday, I thought one of the thing I learned in playing soccer can be connected to conducting, which is "eye contact". The eye contact in soccer was especially important in the game situation to operate an offensive pattern we practiced. I learned eye contact is not like a telepathy but a way of confirming each other of having the same idea at certain situation. The eye contact with a conductor and performer in music seems to have the same idea. I feel placing a note in the air itself needs some kind of courage especially in the ensemble situation, so the conductor's attention for entering passage really helps. And by getting information from the conducting how the music going to sound helps the performer to be a better part of the music.

A music term of the day

Articulation. In performance, the characteristics of attack and decay of single tones or groups of tones and the means by which these characteristics are proceed. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"







ア・カペッラ 楽器伴奏のない合唱曲。また、その演奏形態。原意は「聖堂ふうに」「礼拝堂ふうに」。もとは宗教的な無伴奏合唱曲をさしたが、現在では宗教曲以外のものも含め、楽器の伴奏をもたないすべての合唱曲をさす言葉として用いられる。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

In one class, the teacher did not seem to be in a good mood today compare to him of the classes we already had. Then I thought every people might be acting slightly different everyday according to their mood or physical condition in general, even though they have not actually changed in terms of their personality. I think that kind of complexity of mankind have been making sound into music. I especially felt this when I went to my friend's recital in the evening. He sang excellent, and the accompanist also played wonderfully. The wide variety of musical expression she played on piano were amazing, and it made me think that why she can play like that is because she and we audience can hear the subtle difference of the sound. I think this is really great. Human is indeed complexed, and that must be why we have music.

A music term of the day

Cappella. Chapel; a cappella (in the manner of a chapel), pertaining to choral music without instrumental accompaniment. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"







アゴーギク 演奏にさいし、厳格なテンポによらず、むしろ速さを微妙に変化させることによって音楽に表情を与えること。緩急法。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I had my composition lesson today. I actually meant to finish the piece which I am now working on much earlier than today. But finally, I am almost there to finish it and will make the parts by next week. This time, I realized that I have been too obsessed with how to make the piece longer until just recently. In other words, I was mainly worrying about the structure and the melody & harmony. I did not recognize that making the piece thicker in terms of texture needs almost the same amount of time as I spent to make it longer. I think that is why I need much time to finish the piece after I thought I am almost done. One other thing I felt was that composition never goes well if I am not really into it. I had hard time going into the piece this time, but I have been able to concentrate on it these days. After I came back from school yesterday, I composed for almost 7 hours successively other than I ate and did some houseworks. I felt my mind got exhausted after that, but felt happy about this situation at the same time.

A music term of the day

(1) An agogic accent is one created by duration rather than by loudness or metrical position. (2) In the plural form, agogics, those aspects of performance related to duration, and by extension tempo, in the way that dynamics are related to loudness; thus, the use of rubato or other departures from strictly notated durations. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"



Student Players Leap Into Deep Water


ウルフ音 (1)鍵盤楽器、フレット楽器など音程間隔が固定の楽器において、ある特定の音律を用いたときに生じる過度のうなり。アーロンの中全音律においては鍵盤上の音名変ホと嬰トのあいだの4度に極端なしわ寄せがくるため、1秒間に12回ほどのうなりが生じる。(2)楽器の構造上からくる、特定振動数における強制振動。演奏によるコントロールはできないため、製作上の工夫を必要とする。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

The review for the Mannes Orchestra Concert last Wednesday was reported in The New York Times yesterday. Although I needed to look up many words in the dictionary to understand it, I was glad that finally was able to read it through. The concert seems favorably received. I was listening to it as an audience this time since I did not have to work backstage, and I really enjoyed it. Reading this review, I felt proud of the orchestra as a librarian and also as one of the composers who was performed its piece by them.

A music term of the day

Wolf (1) On any bowed stringed instrument, a pitch whose quality or loudness differs in an undesirable way from others. (2) A perfect fifth that is noticeably out of tune with respect to others in a given tuning system or temperament, especially the fifth that results from a seccession of 11 acoustically pure fifths; also the Pythagorean comma. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"




今日は皆「Happy Valentine's Day!」と挨拶していたので、ところでバレンタインデーの起源はなんだったのかなと思ってWikiで調べてみました。結局、諸説あるようであまりよくわからなかったのですが、それとは別に日本では4月14日に「オレンジデー」というものがあることがわかりました。



リート ドイツの伝統的歌曲形式。広義には中世騎士歌謡、ルネサンス合唱リート、近世独唱歌曲を含むが、狭義には、19世紀を中心とするピアノ伴奏付き独唱叙情歌曲(芸術リート)をさす。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Today was Valentine's day, and I got three chocolate gifts from my boss at the room scheduling office, one of my friends, and my mom. I heard many people say " Happy Valentine's day!" to each other today and was wondering what is the origin of this day, so I looked it up with Japanese Wikipedia. There seems to be many ways of understanding its origin, so I was not able to get the clear picture of it, but I found interesting information instead. There is "Orange day (April 14th)" in Japan proposed by orange farmers. According to them, it is the day to give oranges each other within a couple as a way of expressing their love. But it was also describe as "This day has not been widely known at all at present." I personally like this day.

A music term of the day

Lied. A German poem, usually lyric and strophic; also a song having such a poem for its text; most commonly, a song for solo voice and piano accompaniment in German-speaking countries during the Classical and Romantic periods; more broadly, any song setting of a German poetic text for voice(s) alone or for voice(s) with instrument(s). *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"



今学期とっているピアノのクラスでは、バッハの平均律クラヴィーア曲集を勉強しています。それを練習していたらふと、 人生はもしかしてこんな風によくできた対位法の曲を初見で弾くようなものなんじゃないかと思いました。






アルペッジョ 和音の各音を同時にではなく、下または上から順次演奏する奏法。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I am learning Bach's " The Well-Tempered Clavier" in the Piano Class this semester. When I was practicing one of the pieces from the book, I came up with a random thought about life. I felt that maybe to live is like sight-reading a well composed fugue.
There are always new ideas waiting for being woven into the piece. The lines which the voices sing are sometimes important, and sometimes seems trifle, but all the lines are effecting each other to form the piece.
For me, who is reading the music desperately, cannot read ahead or control what happens next. Then what I can do is to listen to and appreciate the music, and keep on playing it by concentrating on at least one line at a time.
I used to felt "There is no actual rest in the life." when I felt that the school summer vacation is too short in my childhood. That feeling might makes sense, if one thinks life is something like a fugue since there is no place in the fugue that all the voices stop at once except for the final cadence in the end.
I do not know why, but somehow I often come up with these kinds of thought recently.

A music term of the day

Arpeggio. A chord whose pitches are sounded successively, usually from lowest to highest, rather than simultaneously. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"





アタッカ 間をおかず続けて演奏すること。楽章の終わりにこの指示が書かれた場合、切れ目なく次の楽章を続けて演奏する。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

When I looked at my wristwatch at the class, I felt weird since the time was much earlier than I thought. Then I looked up at the clock on the wall and realized the watch has stopped a while ago. This is the watch I bought when I started working at the elementary school in Kyoto, so it had been worked for more than two years until today. Good job. But I cannot help stop feeling lonely about the watch being stopped. At a glance, it still looks like the moment of ticking, but actually it is not pointing any time in neither AM nor PM. It does not even indicate that it is the time of the past or the further. I was told this watch can not be replaced its battery, so I will leave it as it is and will wear another watch from tomorrow.

A music term of the day

Attacca, attacca subito. Attack, attack immediately; hence, when placed at the end of one movement, an instruction to begin the next movement immediately without the customary pause.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"




とくに今日の空はとてもきれいで、こういう青い空を見て頭の中で流れる曲と言えば「♪ときにはなぜか 大空に 旅してみたく なるものさ」(『気球にのってどこまでも』東龍男作詞、平吉毅州作曲)です。あらためて名曲だなあと思います。



アンコール 「さらに」「もう一度」。演奏者が聴衆の拍手にこたえ、追加演奏すること。ビスとも。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Although today was cold again, it has been a little warmer these days, and I felt somehow spring is coming from far away. The sky was really blue today, then I was instantly singing one of the Japanese songs for chirdren in my head when I saw it. The title of the song is "Kikyu-ni notte doko mademo", means "I wanna fly to the end of the sky by a balloon". I sung this song in my childhood, and really liked it. Past few years I got many chances to fly by plane, so I saw the scenery from up there. But still when I look up at sky, my longing for there is still remaining the same as my childhood.

A music term of the day

Encore. When said by members of the audience (usually English-speaking), a request that the performer(s) repeat a composition or perform an additional one not on the program; also the work performed in response to such a request or to enthusiastic applause. On the Continent, the usual term is bis[Lat., twice]. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"







チェレスタ 鉄琴様の金属片を鍵盤装置を介してハンマーで打つ楽器。独特の清澄な音色を出す。楽器の名称はフランス語のceleste(天使のような)からの造語で、その音色にちなんでいる。チャイコフスキーの《くるみ割り人形》やバルトークの《弦楽器、打楽器とチェレスタのための音楽》(1936)ではこの楽器が活躍する。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I went to three friend's recitals today. All did great job and I enjoyed them, but after I came back from the last recital, my brain was really full. Then somehow I came up with one thought about composition. I feel like composition is like making a dress. Dress is suppose to wrap human body, but in the process of making it, usually it is made without putting it on the real body. When someone compose, there are less chance that the composer himself or the performer can try playing it in the process of composition, so a piece is also composed without instrument and performer. But when it is well done, it will be felt like as comfortable as wearing a nice sweater for the performer to play. Of course it must be not by luck, but by composer's sense, years of study, and experience. But for me, still it feels like a miracle. I especially thought this when I heard beautiful cello concerto in one of the recitals today, composed by a composer whose main instrument was not cello.

A music term of the day

Celesta. An instrument in the form of a small upright piano in which the action causes hammers to strike metal bars suspended over resonators, Dampers for the bars are controlled by a damper pedal. The celesta has a range of five octaves upward from c and is notated on staves in the fashion of piano music, sounding an octave higher than notated.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"




Claude Debussy: Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune
Toshio Hosokawa: Woven Dreams
Richard Strauss; Ein Heldenleben, Op.40


モドゥス:旋法のこと。音階を形成する一定の音組織をさし、とくに教会旋法の意味で用いる。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I went to the concert of The Cleveland Orchestra at Carnegie Hall last night with one of my friends. The performance was incredibly beautiful. The programs are as follows.

Claude Debussy: Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune
Toshio Hosokawa: Woven Dreams
Richard Strauss; Ein Heldenleben, Op.40

Although I often go to concerts alone, this time I felt it is really different to have someone listening to the concert together. As we talked about the music we just heard at the intermission, I enjoyed sharing our impression and actually impressed at his way of listening to music.

A music term of the day

Modus. (1)Mode. (2)Any of the rhythmic modes. (3)In Mensural notation, the relationchip between the longa and the brevis; modus maximarum or modus major denotes the relationship of the maxima to the longa.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"





反復進行:1つの短い楽句を、同じ音型パターンを保ちつつ、異なった高さで2回以上くり返すこと。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Since concerto competition is coming soon, recently the practice rooms at school are really crowded almost until the closing time of the building. Yet I felt like up for practicing violin today after I finished composition lesson, I went to school 1 hour before its closure and practiced. I am now practicing one of the christmas songs from the beginner's violin textbook. One of my friends listened to it when he passed by the door, and he came in just to say "Why now!?".

A music term of the day

Sequence. The repetition of a phrase of melody(melodic sequence) and or a harmonic progression(harmonic sequence) at different pitch levels, the succession of pitch levels rising or falling by the same or similar intervals.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"