

Student Players Leap Into Deep Water


ウルフ音 (1)鍵盤楽器、フレット楽器など音程間隔が固定の楽器において、ある特定の音律を用いたときに生じる過度のうなり。アーロンの中全音律においては鍵盤上の音名変ホと嬰トのあいだの4度に極端なしわ寄せがくるため、1秒間に12回ほどのうなりが生じる。(2)楽器の構造上からくる、特定振動数における強制振動。演奏によるコントロールはできないため、製作上の工夫を必要とする。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

The review for the Mannes Orchestra Concert last Wednesday was reported in The New York Times yesterday. Although I needed to look up many words in the dictionary to understand it, I was glad that finally was able to read it through. The concert seems favorably received. I was listening to it as an audience this time since I did not have to work backstage, and I really enjoyed it. Reading this review, I felt proud of the orchestra as a librarian and also as one of the composers who was performed its piece by them.

A music term of the day

Wolf (1) On any bowed stringed instrument, a pitch whose quality or loudness differs in an undesirable way from others. (2) A perfect fifth that is noticeably out of tune with respect to others in a given tuning system or temperament, especially the fifth that results from a seccession of 11 acoustically pure fifths; also the Pythagorean comma. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"