


とくに今日の空はとてもきれいで、こういう青い空を見て頭の中で流れる曲と言えば「♪ときにはなぜか 大空に 旅してみたく なるものさ」(『気球にのってどこまでも』東龍男作詞、平吉毅州作曲)です。あらためて名曲だなあと思います。



アンコール 「さらに」「もう一度」。演奏者が聴衆の拍手にこたえ、追加演奏すること。ビスとも。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Although today was cold again, it has been a little warmer these days, and I felt somehow spring is coming from far away. The sky was really blue today, then I was instantly singing one of the Japanese songs for chirdren in my head when I saw it. The title of the song is "Kikyu-ni notte doko mademo", means "I wanna fly to the end of the sky by a balloon". I sung this song in my childhood, and really liked it. Past few years I got many chances to fly by plane, so I saw the scenery from up there. But still when I look up at sky, my longing for there is still remaining the same as my childhood.

A music term of the day

Encore. When said by members of the audience (usually English-speaking), a request that the performer(s) repeat a composition or perform an additional one not on the program; also the work performed in response to such a request or to enthusiastic applause. On the Continent, the usual term is bis[Lat., twice]. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"