チェレスタ 鉄琴様の金属片を鍵盤装置を介してハンマーで打つ楽器。独特の清澄な音色を出す。楽器の名称はフランス語のceleste(天使のような)からの造語で、その音色にちなんでいる。チャイコフスキーの《くるみ割り人形》やバルトークの《弦楽器、打楽器とチェレスタのための音楽》(1936)ではこの楽器が活躍する。* 『新編 音楽中辞典』より
I went to three friend's recitals today. All did great job and I enjoyed them, but after I came back from the last recital, my brain was really full. Then somehow I came up with one thought about composition. I feel like composition is like making a dress. Dress is suppose to wrap human body, but in the process of making it, usually it is made without putting it on the real body. When someone compose, there are less chance that the composer himself or the performer can try playing it in the process of composition, so a piece is also composed without instrument and performer. But when it is well done, it will be felt like as comfortable as wearing a nice sweater for the performer to play. Of course it must be not by luck, but by composer's sense, years of study, and experience. But for me, still it feels like a miracle. I especially thought this when I heard beautiful cello concerto in one of the recitals today, composed by a composer whose main instrument was not cello.
《A music term of the day》
Celesta. An instrument in the form of a small upright piano in which the action causes hammers to strike metal bars suspended over resonators, Dampers for the bars are controlled by a damper pedal. The celesta has a range of five octaves upward from c and is notated on staves in the fashion of piano music, sounding an octave higher than notated.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"