


今日は皆「Happy Valentine's Day!」と挨拶していたので、ところでバレンタインデーの起源はなんだったのかなと思ってWikiで調べてみました。結局、諸説あるようであまりよくわからなかったのですが、それとは別に日本では4月14日に「オレンジデー」というものがあることがわかりました。



リート ドイツの伝統的歌曲形式。広義には中世騎士歌謡、ルネサンス合唱リート、近世独唱歌曲を含むが、狭義には、19世紀を中心とするピアノ伴奏付き独唱叙情歌曲(芸術リート)をさす。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Today was Valentine's day, and I got three chocolate gifts from my boss at the room scheduling office, one of my friends, and my mom. I heard many people say " Happy Valentine's day!" to each other today and was wondering what is the origin of this day, so I looked it up with Japanese Wikipedia. There seems to be many ways of understanding its origin, so I was not able to get the clear picture of it, but I found interesting information instead. There is "Orange day (April 14th)" in Japan proposed by orange farmers. According to them, it is the day to give oranges each other within a couple as a way of expressing their love. But it was also describe as "This day has not been widely known at all at present." I personally like this day.

A music term of the day

Lied. A German poem, usually lyric and strophic; also a song having such a poem for its text; most commonly, a song for solo voice and piano accompaniment in German-speaking countries during the Classical and Romantic periods; more broadly, any song setting of a German poetic text for voice(s) alone or for voice(s) with instrument(s). *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"