


Claude Debussy: Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune
Toshio Hosokawa: Woven Dreams
Richard Strauss; Ein Heldenleben, Op.40


モドゥス:旋法のこと。音階を形成する一定の音組織をさし、とくに教会旋法の意味で用いる。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I went to the concert of The Cleveland Orchestra at Carnegie Hall last night with one of my friends. The performance was incredibly beautiful. The programs are as follows.

Claude Debussy: Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune
Toshio Hosokawa: Woven Dreams
Richard Strauss; Ein Heldenleben, Op.40

Although I often go to concerts alone, this time I felt it is really different to have someone listening to the concert together. As we talked about the music we just heard at the intermission, I enjoyed sharing our impression and actually impressed at his way of listening to music.

A music term of the day

Modus. (1)Mode. (2)Any of the rhythmic modes. (3)In Mensural notation, the relationchip between the longa and the brevis; modus maximarum or modus major denotes the relationship of the maxima to the longa.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"