アタッカ 間をおかず続けて演奏すること。楽章の終わりにこの指示が書かれた場合、切れ目なく次の楽章を続けて演奏する。* 『新編 音楽中辞典』より
When I looked at my wristwatch at the class, I felt weird since the time was much earlier than I thought. Then I looked up at the clock on the wall and realized the watch has stopped a while ago. This is the watch I bought when I started working at the elementary school in Kyoto, so it had been worked for more than two years until today. Good job. But I cannot help stop feeling lonely about the watch being stopped. At a glance, it still looks like the moment of ticking, but actually it is not pointing any time in neither AM nor PM. It does not even indicate that it is the time of the past or the further. I was told this watch can not be replaced its battery, so I will leave it as it is and will wear another watch from tomorrow.
《A music term of the day》
Attacca, attacca subito. Attack, attack immediately; hence, when placed at the end of one movement, an instruction to begin the next movement immediately without the customary pause.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"