





ア・カペッラ 楽器伴奏のない合唱曲。また、その演奏形態。原意は「聖堂ふうに」「礼拝堂ふうに」。もとは宗教的な無伴奏合唱曲をさしたが、現在では宗教曲以外のものも含め、楽器の伴奏をもたないすべての合唱曲をさす言葉として用いられる。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

In one class, the teacher did not seem to be in a good mood today compare to him of the classes we already had. Then I thought every people might be acting slightly different everyday according to their mood or physical condition in general, even though they have not actually changed in terms of their personality. I think that kind of complexity of mankind have been making sound into music. I especially felt this when I went to my friend's recital in the evening. He sang excellent, and the accompanist also played wonderfully. The wide variety of musical expression she played on piano were amazing, and it made me think that why she can play like that is because she and we audience can hear the subtle difference of the sound. I think this is really great. Human is indeed complexed, and that must be why we have music.

A music term of the day

Cappella. Chapel; a cappella (in the manner of a chapel), pertaining to choral music without instrumental accompaniment. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"