











グラス・ハーモニカ: 碗(わん)形のガラス器のふちを指でこすって音を出す楽器。大きさの異なる30個ほどのガラス器を横倒しにならべ、中央に心棒を通す。心棒に連結されたフット・ペダルで器をまわし、水にぬらした指先で器のふちにふれて摩擦音を出す。その音は神秘的だが走者の神経に障害をおこす恐れがあるとされ、使用が禁止されたこともあった。(後略) *『新編 音楽中辞典』より

It was the busiest day today of the week, since I have many classes which needs good preparation on Fridays. By the way, these days I have been unconsciously forcing myself feel upset all the time. In general, I think there are three factors which exist in the process of finishing one project by the dead line, which are, "The amount of work which is needed to finish the project", "The amount of time you can spend on the project", and "The amount of energy you can put on the project." My problem is that I sometimes just keep working on the plan which I originally planned even though I noticed that is not going well, without taking time to planning it again.

I think I should seriously consider the balance of those three factors, I mentioned before, really objectively.

To finish the project in the best shape: Much work, energy, and time are needed.

Less time left before the due : Need to think seriously of the practical goal.

No prospect for finishing the project before the due : Seek the extension of the due.

These things are useful if I could carefully examine them far before the due, or at least before start working on the project. Why I am thinking these things is because of the parts. Originally, I was told to submit the parts within this week, so I was really urgent to finish them even it seems very difficult. But yesterday, when I asked my friend whose piece is also chosen to be performed, he told me that he is going to submit it next Monday. I was surprised and asked about it to the coordinator, then he told me that is fine. I felt really my mind was opened that moment. I learned how it is important to see the needs of actual world before I was stuck in myself... Anyway, I will submit them on next Monday for sure.

A music term of the day

Glass (h)armonica : An instrument invented by Venjamin Franklin in 1761 and called "armonica." It consists of a row of glass bowls of graded sizes fixed concentrically on a horizontal spindle that is made to rotate by a treadle. Sound is produced by gently rubbing the fingers (slightly wetted or dipped in chalk) on the rims of the revolving glasses...*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"






リズム・セクション: ポピュラー音楽のバンド編成において、リズムを担当するグループ。一般的にはピアノ、ギター、ベース、ドラムズからなる。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Though I am still busy, I am ok. Now I am working on making parts for my orchestra piece. The instruments I used in this piece are as follows.

3 Flutes
2 Oboes
3 Clarinet in B♭
2 Bassoons
4 Horns
2 Trumpets in C
2 Trombones
Bass Trombone

I will submit the parts this week.

《A music term of the day》
Rhythm section : The chord-playing, bass, and percussion instruments in a jazz group; the players of those instruments. A standard rhythm section comprises keyboard and or guitar, double bass (played pizzicato) or electric bass, and drums. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"








プレイヤー・ピアノ: 自動ピアノ *『新編 音楽中辞典』より

These days, I see pumpkins everywhere in the city, since next Saturday is Halloween.

Today, I was finally able to finish preparing all the documents for scholarship application and sent it, which I had been working intensively on from last night. I am applying for the scholarship of Rohm Music Foundation again following from last year. I was planning on sending it via Fedex, since I thought it is the fastest way to send documents to Japan even though it costs me much. Actually the scheduled deliberate date I was told at the Fedex store was later than I thought, but I was glad that it is still supposed to reach to the company before the deadline.

By the way, today my room had applied insecticide for bed bugs for the 5th time. I am sorry to talk about this problem again and again here though... It is really annoying to find out I was bitten by them one day after I do not see them for a while. Since it happened to me rather recently, my roommate and I decided to ask the company to stop by our place, when we heard our neighbor asked them for coming. As I heard from the guy came to apply the insecticide, he found the bugs in the lower floor, and he told me that it would have been one of the reasons why the bugs have not disappeared from my room even though they applied insecticide again and again. I really hope for the bugs to go away this time. I put a link above of the “Preventing and Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Safely”, a guide book issued by NYC, hoping that someone who is also been annoyed by the bugs can use it as a reference.

《A music term of the day》Player piano : An automatic instrument consisting of piano and a mechanical devise that plays it. *Definition by "The Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"





実用音楽: 1920年代の実用芸術運動の一環として生じたもので、一般聴衆から乖離した新音楽に実用的な用途や家庭での演奏といった日常的な場面とのつながりのなかで、ふたたび社会性をとりもどそうとして提唱された。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I like the school library especially when it is occasionally calm in the afternoon. I am still kind of busy this week with making parts for orchestra piece, application for the scholarship, writing a new piece, and dealing with the annoying bugs... Anyway I will hold on since tomorrow is the last day of the week.

《A music term of the day》
Gebrauchsmusik : Music for use, functional music. The term was coined in the 1920s for music that was intended to be immediately useful or assessable to a large public, e.g., music for films and the like, but especially music for performance by amateurs in the home, in schools, etc., as distinct from composer's self-expression.
*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"


Sesame Street


サラバンド: バロック時代の組曲を構成する基本舞曲のひとつ。16世紀のラテン・アメリカやスペインに由来し、ギター(ときには打楽器)の伴奏で歌い踊られた。*『新編 音楽中辞典』

After I was suggested to watch "Sesame Street" by my English teacher in one lesson, I often see videos of them on Youtube. When I watched it in my childhood, I was not able to find it fun since I did not understand what the characters are talking or singing about. But now, I really enjoy watching it since they are so cute, and my favorite character is Elmo. Here is my favorite video of alphabet song sung by Elmo.

《A music term of the day》
Sarabande : A Baroque dance movement in triple meter. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"






ジーグ: バロック時代の組曲を構成する基本舞曲のひとつ。15世紀のジグが機嫌とされるが、名称は弦楽器gigaよりも動詞giguer(跳ぶ)に由来する。17世紀には2拍子系も存在したが、多くは複合拍子。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Today is my brother's birthday. Happy Birthday to you, my brother!! By the way, today is also a special day for me. Today is the 10000th day since I was born, according to one of the websites which can calculate it from birth of date. It is impressive that I have been able to living for good 10000 days.

《A music term of the day》
Gigue : A fast Baroque dance movement in binary form, the last movement of the mature suite. The details of rhythm and texture vary greatly, deriving from Italian and French models. *Definition by "Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"









パッサカリア: 17世紀から18世紀にかけて流行した舞曲。遅いテンポの3拍子で、特定の固執低音(バッソ・オスティナート)にもとづく変奏曲形式をとる。シャコンヌとほぼ同じ正確で、同義に使用されることも多いが、パッサカリアの低音旋律は一般に単調である。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Two weeks has passed since I was told that my piece will be performed. Today, I finally was able to submit the final version of the orchestra score. During those weeks, I was working on fixing the notations, and making the idea of the piece clearer. I should have done these things before I submitted the score in September though, since I was given the chance to revise it, I really wanted to finish it nicely as much as I can. So, I did one procedure again and again, which is to print out the score, and see through each parts, then if I find something incorrect, mark it, and make it better on computer and print them out again... It was almost like paving the road, there seems to be no shortcut doing this, but just to put as much time working on it until it gets in good shape. It sometimes scares me thinking that there are number of musicians beyond my music, but it itself is the priceless experience for me.

《A music term of the day》
Passacaglia : A continuous variation from, principally of the Baroque, whose basso obstinate formulas originally derived from ritornellos to early 17th-century songs. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"





Brahms : Tragic Overture, Op.81
Strauss : "Dance of the Seven Veils" from Salome
Dvorak : Symphony No.9 in E minnow, Op.95 "From the New World"

でした。今回はOrchestra Librarianとして初めてアリスタリーホールの楽屋に入れてもらいました。休憩中と演奏終了後に譜面台の上のパート譜を回収するのが仕事だったのですが、待機しながら本番前の演奏者や指揮者の様子など、オーケストラの本番を間近に見られてわくわくしました。残念ながら演奏はモニター越しに聴けたり聴けなかったりでしたが、昨年この一回目のコンサートを客席で聴いたときに、マネスに入学できた嬉しさと相まって「すごいなあ。」と思った事を思い出しました。


シャコンヌ: 17世紀から18世紀にかけて流行した3拍子の舞踏形式。またその低音旋律をもとにした器楽変奏曲がヨーロッパ各地の作曲家によって書かれ、なかでもリュリ、クープラン、ブクステフーデ、バッハなどの作品が有名である。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

These days, I have been working hard on finalizing the orchestra score for the performance. Since it is taking much more time than I estimated before, I am upset though, hopefully I will finish it soon. And the good thing is I am feeling much better. By the way, there was the first Mannes Orchestra Concert last night at Allice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center. The Program were as follows.

Brahms : Tragic Overture, Op.81
Strauss : "Dance of the Seven Veils" from Salome
Dvorak : Symphony No.9 in E minnow, Op.95 "From the New World"

This time, I entered the backstage of Allice Tully Hall for the first time as an Orchestra Librarian, to pick up the parts on the stage during intermission and after the concert. I was exited that I could see what is going on at the backstage of orchestra performance. Unfortunately, I was not able to see the performance entirely, but I could see it sometime through the monitor. And I recalled that last year, I was so impressed listening to the same concert as an audience, with felling the happiness that finally I was able to become a Mannes student.

And this is the picture I took from Empire State Building the other day. The night view of NYC is rather orange than that of Kyoto, so that makes me feel emotional though, it is beautiful.

《A music term of the day》
Chaconne : A continuous variation from of the Baroque, similar to the passacaglia, based on the chord progression of a late 16th-century dance imported into Spain and Italy from Latin America. Usually in triple meter and major mode, the dance had a few stereotyped bass lines and a basic series of chord (Ⅰ-Ⅴ-Ⅳ-Ⅴ) that acted as methodic or melodic-harmonic ostinatos. * Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"






残りの仕事、Room SchedulingとOrchestra Librarianをしっかりしつつ、勉強のための時間配分を考えていきたいと思います。

反復進行: 1つの短い楽句を、同じ音型パターンを保ちつつ、異なった高さで2回以上くり返すこと。*『新編 音楽中辞典』

I resigned PC job today. I know it is not good to quit the job during the semester in spite of I was suppose to work thorough the semester. But these days I was always running out of time to study, so I decided to do so. I feel sorry about that, but one good thing is there was someone who covers my shift immediately. I used to work at PC eight hours a week, so I am glad that now I can use those time completely for myself. I am going to keep working hard on other jobs, Room Scheduling and Orchestra Librarian, and find my new pace on studying more.

《A music term of the day》
Sequence : The repetition of a phrase of melody (melodic sequence) and or a harmonic progression (harmonic sequence) at different pitch levels, the succession of pitch levels rising or falling by the same or similar intervals. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"





テクスチュア: ある楽曲における、音の基本的な組み合わせ方、織り合わせ方。複数の独立した旋律が組み合わされている場合、これをポリフォニックなテクスチュアとよび、和音中心に構成されている場合、これをホモフォニックなテクスチュアとよぶ。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I was able to survive this week, and I am feeling better. There are bunch of things I want to work on right now, so I wish I could live without sleep and use that time for doing other things, though I know it is impossible.. Anyway, I am still thinking the way of making use of the limited time.

《A music term of the day》
Texture : The general pattern of sound created by the elements of work or passage. For example, the texture of a work that is perceived as consisting of the combination of several melodic lines is said to be contrapuntal or polyphonic. A work consisting primarily of a succession of chords sounded as such is said to have a chordal or homophonic texture. *Definition by "The Harvard Concice Dictionary of Music and Musicians"




テオルボ: 16世紀末から18世紀まで用いられた2つの糸倉をもつ大型のリュート。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I am sorry to say it is because of I am getting old though, recently I sometimes find myself cannot stay awake all night. But since I had my lesson today, somehow I was able to keep concentrating on preparing for it from yesterday afternoon until early in the morning today, even though I felt not so good because of the sick. I know it is not good to do that rushing preparation especially when I am sick, but anyway, I want to say "good job" to myself.

《A music term of the day》
Theorbo : A large six-course bass lute to which have been added seven or usually eight diatonically tuned contrabass courses held in a second pegbox glued to an extension of the first. Developed late in 16th-century Italy to provide accompaniment for a new style of singing, musica recitativa, the theorbo was quickly adopted throughout Europe as an important thoroughbass instrument.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"




カンビアータ:非和声音(転移音)の一種。狭義には、和音構成音と2度上または下で接し、次の和音構成音に向かって3度跳躍進行をするもの。広義には、3度の跳躍をともなうさまざまなタイプの非和声音をさす。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

It seems I caught a cold.. Though I have a slight fever, it seems okay since I had some medicine today. By the way, I cooked "Niku-Jyaga", the only Japanese food I cook here, yesterday. I felt better after I ate it.

《A music term of the day》
Cambiata or nota cambiata : properly a five note figure, the second note of which is dissonant and the third of which is consonant. The term is also applied, however, to a similar figure moving in an upward direction and to several related shorter figures as well as to the double neighboring tones described above, to which the term changing notes is sometimes applied.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"







経過音: 非和声音(転移音)の一種。高さの異なる2つの和音構成音のあいだを、順次進行でうめるさいに生じる非和声音。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Let me write a little information about the concert at which my orchestra piece will be performed. The Mannes Orchestra has nine concerts in this school year. Some concerts are including the performance of the winners of the concerto competition last year, and the others are student conductors concert, Mannes Opera, composer concert, and so on. At the composer concert, five new pieces which were written by two of the faculties, two of students, and the composer-in residence will be performed at Mannes Concert Hall. This concert used to be held in May until last year though, this year it will happen on December 16th. If you will be in NY that time, and have time, please come to listen...

《A music term of the day》
Passing tone: Which connects two consonant pitches by stepwise motion and normally occurs in a metrically weak position, When it occurs in a metrical position stronger than that of its resolution, it is called an accented passing tone. * Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"



刺繍音: 非和声音(転移音)の一種。和音構成音から、上または下の隣接音へ移ったのち、ふたたびもとの和音構成音に回帰するもの。「補助音」とも。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

These days, I go to Riverside Park on Saturdays when it is sunny, to write a dairy of the previous week. Sitting on the bench facing Hadson river, I somtimes forget that I am in NY, since the scenery there makes me feel I am in somewhere in Europe or in Japan, especially Kobe.

《A music term of the day》
Neighboring tone or auxiliary tone : a tone a step above or a step below a consonant tone. Upper and lower neighbors are sometimes conbined to form double neighbors, to which the term cambiata is also sometimes applied. Single neghboring tones may be either strong or weak metrically. *Definition by "The Harbard Conceise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"






I want to announce something wonderful Today. I was told that my orchestra piece which I submitted two weeks ago for the competition was chosen, and will be performed by Mannes Orchestra on December 16th. The title of the piece is "Deja-vu". The previous night of the submission date, my precious cat which had lived with my family more than 15 years passed away. I felt this result may be part of the last present from him. I am really happy to be chosen, and thankfull for all the people supporting me, especially my family. Thank you.