Brahms : Tragic Overture, Op.81
Strauss : "Dance of the Seven Veils" from Salome
Dvorak : Symphony No.9 in E minnow, Op.95 "From the New World"
でした。今回はOrchestra Librarianとして初めてアリスタリーホールの楽屋に入れてもらいました。休憩中と演奏終了後に譜面台の上のパート譜を回収するのが仕事だったのですが、待機しながら本番前の演奏者や指揮者の様子など、オーケストラの本番を間近に見られてわくわくしました。残念ながら演奏はモニター越しに聴けたり聴けなかったりでしたが、昨年この一回目のコンサートを客席で聴いたときに、マネスに入学できた嬉しさと相まって「すごいなあ。」と思った事を思い出しました。
シャコンヌ: 17世紀から18世紀にかけて流行した3拍子の舞踏形式。またその低音旋律をもとにした器楽変奏曲がヨーロッパ各地の作曲家によって書かれ、なかでもリュリ、クープラン、ブクステフーデ、バッハなどの作品が有名である。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より
These days, I have been working hard on finalizing the orchestra score for the performance. Since it is taking much more time than I estimated before, I am upset though, hopefully I will finish it soon. And the good thing is I am feeling much better. By the way, there was the first Mannes Orchestra Concert last night at Allice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center. The Program were as follows.
Brahms : Tragic Overture, Op.81
Strauss : "Dance of the Seven Veils" from Salome
Dvorak : Symphony No.9 in E minnow, Op.95 "From the New World"
This time, I entered the backstage of Allice Tully Hall for the first time as an Orchestra Librarian, to pick up the parts on the stage during intermission and after the concert. I was exited that I could see what is going on at the backstage of orchestra performance. Unfortunately, I was not able to see the performance entirely, but I could see it sometime through the monitor. And I recalled that last year, I was so impressed listening to the same concert as an audience, with felling the happiness that finally I was able to become a Mannes student.
And this is the picture I took from Empire State Building the other day. The night view of NYC is rather orange than that of Kyoto, so that makes me feel emotional though, it is beautiful.
《A music term of the day》
Chaconne : A continuous variation from of the Baroque, similar to the passacaglia, based on the chord progression of a late 16th-century dance imported into Spain and Italy from Latin America. Usually in triple meter and major mode, the dance had a few stereotyped bass lines and a basic series of chord (Ⅰ-Ⅴ-Ⅳ-Ⅴ) that acted as methodic or melodic-harmonic ostinatos. * Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"