カンビアータ:非和声音(転移音)の一種。狭義には、和音構成音と2度上または下で接し、次の和音構成音に向かって3度跳躍進行をするもの。広義には、3度の跳躍をともなうさまざまなタイプの非和声音をさす。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より
It seems I caught a cold.. Though I have a slight fever, it seems okay since I had some medicine today. By the way, I cooked "Niku-Jyaga", the only Japanese food I cook here, yesterday. I felt better after I ate it.
《A music term of the day》
Cambiata or nota cambiata : properly a five note figure, the second note of which is dissonant and the third of which is consonant. The term is also applied, however, to a similar figure moving in an upward direction and to several related shorter figures as well as to the double neighboring tones described above, to which the term changing notes is sometimes applied.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"