











グラス・ハーモニカ: 碗(わん)形のガラス器のふちを指でこすって音を出す楽器。大きさの異なる30個ほどのガラス器を横倒しにならべ、中央に心棒を通す。心棒に連結されたフット・ペダルで器をまわし、水にぬらした指先で器のふちにふれて摩擦音を出す。その音は神秘的だが走者の神経に障害をおこす恐れがあるとされ、使用が禁止されたこともあった。(後略) *『新編 音楽中辞典』より

It was the busiest day today of the week, since I have many classes which needs good preparation on Fridays. By the way, these days I have been unconsciously forcing myself feel upset all the time. In general, I think there are three factors which exist in the process of finishing one project by the dead line, which are, "The amount of work which is needed to finish the project", "The amount of time you can spend on the project", and "The amount of energy you can put on the project." My problem is that I sometimes just keep working on the plan which I originally planned even though I noticed that is not going well, without taking time to planning it again.

I think I should seriously consider the balance of those three factors, I mentioned before, really objectively.

To finish the project in the best shape: Much work, energy, and time are needed.

Less time left before the due : Need to think seriously of the practical goal.

No prospect for finishing the project before the due : Seek the extension of the due.

These things are useful if I could carefully examine them far before the due, or at least before start working on the project. Why I am thinking these things is because of the parts. Originally, I was told to submit the parts within this week, so I was really urgent to finish them even it seems very difficult. But yesterday, when I asked my friend whose piece is also chosen to be performed, he told me that he is going to submit it next Monday. I was surprised and asked about it to the coordinator, then he told me that is fine. I felt really my mind was opened that moment. I learned how it is important to see the needs of actual world before I was stuck in myself... Anyway, I will submit them on next Monday for sure.

A music term of the day

Glass (h)armonica : An instrument invented by Venjamin Franklin in 1761 and called "armonica." It consists of a row of glass bowls of graded sizes fixed concentrically on a horizontal spindle that is made to rotate by a treadle. Sound is produced by gently rubbing the fingers (slightly wetted or dipped in chalk) on the rims of the revolving glasses...*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"