残りの仕事、Room SchedulingとOrchestra Librarianをしっかりしつつ、勉強のための時間配分を考えていきたいと思います。
反復進行: 1つの短い楽句を、同じ音型パターンを保ちつつ、異なった高さで2回以上くり返すこと。*『新編 音楽中辞典』
I resigned PC job today. I know it is not good to quit the job during the semester in spite of I was suppose to work thorough the semester. But these days I was always running out of time to study, so I decided to do so. I feel sorry about that, but one good thing is there was someone who covers my shift immediately. I used to work at PC eight hours a week, so I am glad that now I can use those time completely for myself. I am going to keep working hard on other jobs, Room Scheduling and Orchestra Librarian, and find my new pace on studying more.
《A music term of the day》
Sequence : The repetition of a phrase of melody (melodic sequence) and or a harmonic progression (harmonic sequence) at different pitch levels, the succession of pitch levels rising or falling by the same or similar intervals. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"