テオルボ: 16世紀末から18世紀まで用いられた2つの糸倉をもつ大型のリュート。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より
I am sorry to say it is because of I am getting old though, recently I sometimes find myself cannot stay awake all night. But since I had my lesson today, somehow I was able to keep concentrating on preparing for it from yesterday afternoon until early in the morning today, even though I felt not so good because of the sick. I know it is not good to do that rushing preparation especially when I am sick, but anyway, I want to say "good job" to myself.
《A music term of the day》
Theorbo : A large six-course bass lute to which have been added seven or usually eight diatonically tuned contrabass courses held in a second pegbox glued to an extension of the first. Developed late in 16th-century Italy to provide accompaniment for a new style of singing, musica recitativa, the theorbo was quickly adopted throughout Europe as an important thoroughbass instrument.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"