



実用音楽: 1920年代の実用芸術運動の一環として生じたもので、一般聴衆から乖離した新音楽に実用的な用途や家庭での演奏といった日常的な場面とのつながりのなかで、ふたたび社会性をとりもどそうとして提唱された。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I like the school library especially when it is occasionally calm in the afternoon. I am still kind of busy this week with making parts for orchestra piece, application for the scholarship, writing a new piece, and dealing with the annoying bugs... Anyway I will hold on since tomorrow is the last day of the week.

《A music term of the day》
Gebrauchsmusik : Music for use, functional music. The term was coined in the 1920s for music that was intended to be immediately useful or assessable to a large public, e.g., music for films and the like, but especially music for performance by amateurs in the home, in schools, etc., as distinct from composer's self-expression.
*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"