刺繍音: 非和声音(転移音)の一種。和音構成音から、上または下の隣接音へ移ったのち、ふたたびもとの和音構成音に回帰するもの。「補助音」とも。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より
These days, I go to Riverside Park on Saturdays when it is sunny, to write a dairy of the previous week. Sitting on the bench facing Hadson river, I somtimes forget that I am in NY, since the scenery there makes me feel I am in somewhere in Europe or in Japan, especially Kobe.
《A music term of the day》
Neighboring tone or auxiliary tone : a tone a step above or a step below a consonant tone. Upper and lower neighbors are sometimes conbined to form double neighbors, to which the term cambiata is also sometimes applied. Single neghboring tones may be either strong or weak metrically. *Definition by "The Harbard Conceise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"