サラバンド: バロック時代の組曲を構成する基本舞曲のひとつ。16世紀のラテン・アメリカやスペインに由来し、ギター(ときには打楽器)の伴奏で歌い踊られた。*『新編 音楽中辞典』
After I was suggested to watch "Sesame Street" by my English teacher in one lesson, I often see videos of them on Youtube. When I watched it in my childhood, I was not able to find it fun since I did not understand what the characters are talking or singing about. But now, I really enjoy watching it since they are so cute, and my favorite character is Elmo. Here is my favorite video of alphabet song sung by Elmo.
《A music term of the day》
Sarabande : A Baroque dance movement in triple meter. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"