パッサカリア: 17世紀から18世紀にかけて流行した舞曲。遅いテンポの3拍子で、特定の固執低音(バッソ・オスティナート)にもとづく変奏曲形式をとる。シャコンヌとほぼ同じ正確で、同義に使用されることも多いが、パッサカリアの低音旋律は一般に単調である。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より
Two weeks has passed since I was told that my piece will be performed. Today, I finally was able to submit the final version of the orchestra score. During those weeks, I was working on fixing the notations, and making the idea of the piece clearer. I should have done these things before I submitted the score in September though, since I was given the chance to revise it, I really wanted to finish it nicely as much as I can. So, I did one procedure again and again, which is to print out the score, and see through each parts, then if I find something incorrect, mark it, and make it better on computer and print them out again... It was almost like paving the road, there seems to be no shortcut doing this, but just to put as much time working on it until it gets in good shape. It sometimes scares me thinking that there are number of musicians beyond my music, but it itself is the priceless experience for me.
《A music term of the day》
Passacaglia : A continuous variation from, principally of the Baroque, whose basso obstinate formulas originally derived from ritornellos to early 17th-century songs. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"