テクスチュア: ある楽曲における、音の基本的な組み合わせ方、織り合わせ方。複数の独立した旋律が組み合わされている場合、これをポリフォニックなテクスチュアとよび、和音中心に構成されている場合、これをホモフォニックなテクスチュアとよぶ。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より
I was able to survive this week, and I am feeling better. There are bunch of things I want to work on right now, so I wish I could live without sleep and use that time for doing other things, though I know it is impossible.. Anyway, I am still thinking the way of making use of the limited time.
《A music term of the day》
Texture : The general pattern of sound created by the elements of work or passage. For example, the texture of a work that is perceived as consisting of the combination of several melodic lines is said to be contrapuntal or polyphonic. A work consisting primarily of a succession of chords sounded as such is said to have a chordal or homophonic texture. *Definition by "The Harvard Concice Dictionary of Music and Musicians"