

I felt a little relieved after the composers concert last Thursday, but since there are three more concert I am involved are coming next month, I will move on.
There are only three weeks left for this school year. I have been overwhelmed every week by classes and other stuff since this year started, but still I would feel sad after school ends rather feel glad. I will enjoy these last busy weeks. As I see the leaves of trees on the street growing everyday, I feel I cannot stop the things are changing gradually. I would like to appreciate all the changes around me.


Suite for String Orchestra (2010)


Last Thursday, I had my "Suite for String Orchestra" premiered at the last Student Composers Concert of this school year. I put the video on Youtube. It was the biggest instrumentation I ever had (not including the orchestra piece performed by Mannes Orchestra), but I did not have to worry too much about the performance since my players sincerely working on it. The only thing I was nervous about is whether the pizzas come on time after the rehearsal... I was almost giving up its premiere when I finished this piece because I thought it's too big for a composers concert in terms of the people and space. I really appreciate my fortune to be able to have this piece performed and for my players for the beautiful premiere.


String Orchestra

Jury weekが明けて、昨日から学校が始まりました。(1週間の休みの間は毎日更新しようとすら思っていたのですが。。。)

Jury weekの間には、コンペに出す為に昨年演奏してもらったオーケストラの曲をあらためて見直して修正したのと、今週木曜日に演奏してもらうストリングオーケストラのパート譜作りを済ませました。オーケストラ曲の直しは学内のコンペに出すためだったのですが、前に書いた曲をしばらく置いて色んな人のアドバイスも受けてから見直すと、色々と発見があって面白かったです。ストリングオーケストラは一昨日と昨日とリハーサルをして、あとは当日のドレスリハーサルを待つのみです。



School has started after one week of Jury. I meant to write this blog everyday during the break, but I end up writing nothing for a while...
During the break, I revised my Orchestra score, which was performed in last December, for a competition. It was really interesting to work again on my former piece, especially after I got advice from many people who listened to the performance. This time I felt I was able to explore different ways to expand the idea in the piece.
I also made all the parts for my String Orchestra which is going to be performed this Thursday. I had the second rehearsal for the piece yesterday and was impressed. I am really thankful to all the 18 string players and the conductor. They are sincerely working on my piece in spite of that I cannot pay them well other than treating them with pizza after the rehearsals.I felt the performers are listening themselves in the context of music and ensemble through the conductor, so that they sounds like one instrument as a whole even though they are playing single line respectively.








I slept well last night and went out for eating breakfast in the morning by myself. Other that, I have been revising my orchestra score after I went to do the laundry. This is my one year and 8th month since I came here. I experienced strange feeling a few months ago. When I was eating rice with Furikake on top before the class in the evening, I felt I was supposed to go back to my home in Kyoto after the class and will eat dinner with my mom. I also unconsciously felt I would like to stop by the shopping district in Kyoto after school even though it is actually too far away from here. I have never commuted from my home in Kyoto to Mannes, but it was almost like my recognition of life now and then were mixed in my mind. I think I will keep finding something new as long as I am here.

Jury week


今週からjury week(演奏試験週間)に入って、作曲科の学生にとっては実質1週間の休みなのですが、今は今月と来月にある演奏会の準備などでばたばたしています。。


These days, I feel that time flies a lot faster than before. This week is the jury week, so it is practically a week off for composers. I was originally planning on taking rest during this holidays, but I am now busy with preparing for upcoming concerts on this month and next month. The weather these days is rather warm, and the roadside trees are beginning to bud.

By the way, I went to a concert at Carnegie Hall yesterday at which the winning piece of the first prize in "Piano Trio competition" is premiered. Since my friend won the competition this year, I was really glad that I was able to come to the concert to listen to it and to support him. After the concert, I went to the reception of it which I missed last year. I enjoyed the time there with my friends.






There was the last concert for the Mannes Orchestra this year at Alice Tully Hall of Lincoln Center. The Program was as follows.
Bela Bartok: Concerto No.2 for biolin and orchestra, Sz.112
Sergei Prokofiev: Symphony No.5 in B-flat major, op.100
I feel everything goes very fast. I even cannot believe this is already April..