




トーン・クラスター:長・短2度、微分音などで隣接した音群が同時に鳴らされた響き、およびこれを用いた技法。調的な機能をもっていない点で、和音とは区別される。最初期の例はカウエルのピアノ曲(1913)などにみられるが、1960年前後からリゲティ、ペンデレツキによって管弦楽に適用されると、急速に普及した。20世紀後半においてもっとも重要な技法のひとつ。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I wrote down composers name and put them on the wall of my room in chronological order. I started to pick up the composers from Music History book, then I added more composers whom I was reminded in classes and concerts. Although I might still missing some great composers, I think it is getting in shape. This is a simple chart, but it is useful to check a composer's location in the music history easily. I would like to learn music history more starting from this chart.

A music term of the day

Tone cluster. A highly dissonant, closely spaced collection of pitches sounded simultaneously, at the piano usually by striking a large number of keys with the hand or arm. The term was coined by Henry Cowell, who made considerable use of tone clusters in his own music from at least 1912. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"









トーン・ポエム:もともとはドイツ語でトーンディヒトゥング(音詩)といい、1830年にレーヴェがピアノ作品に与えた名称。初期ドイツ・ロマン派の芸術思想では、作曲家のことをトーンディヒター(音詩人)ととらえたことに由来する。これを19世紀末にR.シュトラウスが交響詩の意味で用い、シベリウスらもオーケストラ作品にあてはめた。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I am happy today because I was mentioned about my improvement in both English and Violin lesson. Anyway, I sometimes read Japanese books these days. I was trying not to do that last year because I thought I have no room doing that to learn English. Last night, I read one book about the life of International student written by a counselor. Since I read it many times before I came here, I thought I am still remembering most of the contents. But I was actually encouraged a lot again. The book answered my worries as a second year International student as well. After I went to bed and before I fell asleep, I recalled the days I was preparing for coming here. It is still on the middle way of studying, but I felt I should be proud of myself for some extent that I was able to be here for almost one and a half year.

A music term of the day

Tone poem=Symphonic poem. An orchestral piece whose music is accompanied by a program, i.e., a text, generally poetic or narrative in nature, which is meant to be read by the audience before listening to the work. As is true for other types of program music, the program may be rather brief and vague ( and may even consist merely of a suggestive title), or it may be long and detailed. Similarly, the music may be related to the program only very generally or in a myriad of specific ways. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"








無調(性):調性のない状態。ゆえに最広義においては、長短調によらないものすべてを含むが、一般的には、調性を特徴づけている音階や和音が機能しておらず、さらに諸音高のあいだにヒエラルキーがほとんどない場合をさす。また狭義においては、十二音音楽に達する以前の新ウィーン楽派の音楽様式を、この語でよぶ。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I went to the Public library again to finish writing an ensemble piece soon. There are still much snow remaining everywhere in the city from the last snow day, and poor two lion statues of the library were also covered with snow.. To compare with performers, composer does not necessarily need an instrument when he compose, so practically he can compose any time at any place. But still I think it is important to set time and be in the environment where he can really be productive.What I like about this library is that I am able to feel the good enough amount of space around me vertically and horizontally which makes me concentrate on what I am doing.

A music term of the day

Atonality. The absence of tonality, the absence of key. The term is most often applied to music of the 20th century in which pitches are not treated in accordance with the particular principles of tonal centers, consonance and dissonance, and harmony and counterpoint that prevailed in various forms in Western music from the end of the 17th century through the 19th and into the 20th. Thus, the term generally refers to the absence of a particular kind of tonality, sometimes called tonic-dominant or triadic tonality.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"







ヴィブラート:音の高さをわずかに揺らしながら演奏すること。声楽や多くの楽器の演奏で広くおこなわれる技巧で、声や音を豊かに美しく響かせる目的で用いられる。弦楽器の場合は弦を押さえる指の振動によって、管楽器の場合は一種のブレス・コントロールによっておこなわれる。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

We got so much snow last night, then finally school is closed today. I took a walk around my apartment to go and see whether Laundromat is still open in the early morning. Everything was covered with snow and looked like marshmallow. Although there were still some snow on the street, it seemed people of the stores and school already removed the most of the snow from there, so I was able to walk without being caught in it.

A music term of the day
Vibrato. A slight fluctuation of pitch used by performers to enrich or intensify the sound. In modern string playing, vibrato is produced by rocking the left hand as a note is played; in modern wind playing, it is effected by regulating the air flow into the instrument or by varying the tension of the lips or the pressure of the mouth on the reed or mouthpiece. Since the early years of the 20th century, vibrato, particularly on bowed stringed instruments, has become essentially an organic feature of tone production, a means of adding continuous intensity to the sound; vibrato has become a standard feature of the unchanging legato sound most often taught at present.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"







音階:音楽で用いられる音を高さの順に配列したものは、一定の音程関係をくり返す形でならぶが、そのくり返しの最小の単位を音階という。その単位は4度、5度、オクターヴ、オクターヴ以上のものなどいろいろあるが、通常は西洋音楽にみられるようにオクターヴを単位として考えるのが一般的である。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

We got some snow yesterday, then I saw many foot steps of people and dogs on streets. Since dogs usually do not wear shoes, I was afraid they feel very cold, but one dog I saw seemed to enjoying taking a walk in the snow. I went to NY public library after I finished the class to compose. I realized it is useful to set the time and really concentrate on composing. Then in the evening, I and my roommate watched one hour of Mr.Obama's State of the Union address on TV standing, since we did not expected that it lasts that long.

A music term of the day
Scale. A collection of pitches arranged in order from lowest to highest or from highest to lowest. The pitches of any music in which pitch is definable can be reduced to a scale.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"





  武満徹(193010・8 東京—1996220 同地):作曲家。ほとんど独学で作曲を学び、1951年に画家や詩人とともに「実験工房」を結成。5727歳のときの《弦楽のためのレクイエム》で音楽界に登場した。戦後の欧米の現代音楽の動向から影響を受けながら、創作活動を展開し、無調やミュジック・コンクレートなどの新しい作風をとりいれ、多くの映画音楽も作曲した。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

According to the TV News the temperature now is -14℃. Although I live very close from school and do not have to walk a lot to get there, I am still afraid to go outside in such a cold day. Any way, I will leave for school soon..

A music term of the day

Takemitsu, Toru (b.Tokyo,8 Oct. 1930;d.there, 20 Feb.1996). Composer. Largely self-taught, experimented with Euro-American avant-garde trends including serialism, aleatory, extended instrumental techniques, mixed-media performances, graphic notation, and electronic and tape music. In the early 1960s began to work with Cage; also incorporated traditional Japanese instruments into his compositions. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"






サクソフォーン:例外なく金属製であるものの、発音原理がクラリネットと同様、シングル・リードによるために、通例木管楽器に分類される楽器の一属。(中略)歴史的原点は、その名称の由来であるベルギーの吹奏楽団長サックスが管弦楽と吹奏楽両方の木管群の音量・音色の充実を意図して開発し、1846年に特許権を取得した楽器に求められるが、以後、管弦楽用楽器としての発展はむしろ限られ、おもに吹奏楽およびジャズの楽器として脚光を浴びることになった。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

There are both old snow and new snow we got recently are remaining on the road of Manhattan, so we really need to be careful not to fall down when we walk.. I found many scary icicles from the rooftop of a store. The highest temperature today is -5℃, so that is why I felt my face was almost about to freeze when I was outside.

A music term of the day

Saxophone. A family of metal, conical-bore, single-reed wood wind instruments invented by Adolphe Sax (1814-94) of Brussels in 1841 and patented by him in 1846 after he settled in Paris.*Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"







フロッグ:ヴィオール属、ヴァイオリン族の弓の手元付近で毛をとめておく部分。毛箱ともいい、ネジの操作で毛の張り加減を調節する。初期の弓にはネジがなく、親指で毛の張力を調節した。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I had my composition lesson yesterday. I am now writing for an ensemble for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, marimba, viola, and cello. I want to make this piece better than what I have now, but I feel I have not yet combined what I learned and experienced into writing this piece. But since there is still time before I submit it, I am going to concentrate on finishing it.

A music term of the day

Frog. That portion of the bow of a stringed instrument that is held in the player’s hand and by means of which the tension of the hair is adjusted. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"






フーガ:冒頭に提示された主題が、複数の声部間で、対位法的に、しかも特定の調的規則にのっとって模倣される楽曲。またその作曲技法のこと。楽曲全体は、主題と応答からなる提示部と、エピソードとの交替を基本に構成される。声部数は3−4声部のものが一般的。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I am sorry to write about bed bug again, but I still seems to have them in my room.. I had bought some spray for killing them and applied it to the floor for two weeks and it seemed to be working well for a while, but I saw them in the end just before I went back to Japan. I was worrying that they grow during the holiday, but it seems not so bad. But still they are here, so I had my room applied insecticide again (I remember this is the 6th or 7th time) by exterminator the other day. The exterminator told me he also do not know why they do not go, and gave us a glue traps for them.
It says "Mouse and Insect Glue Trap". I was a bit surprised that it aims to catch both mouse and insect, since I remember the size of glue trap for mouse and for cockroach was different in Japan.. Anyway, it seems the concept of the product is almost the same as "Gokiburi Hoihoi", a glue trap for cockroach in Japan. The exterminator told me that it is not the perfect solution, but sometimes catches them. It is absolutely better than nothing, so I placed 6 of them on the floor immediately.

A music term of the day

Fugue : (1)The most fully developed procedure of imitative counterpoint, in which the theme is stated successively in all voices of the polyphonic texture, tonally established, continuously expanded, opposed, and reestablished; also a work employing this procedure. (2) In the Renaissance, imitation. (3) In the Middle Ages, canon. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"





My roommate cooked Adzuki beans on the previous snow day and gave some of them to me, so I made "Zenzai" and ate them for dinner tonight. Its gentle sweetness made me feel happy and relaxed. I could somehow survive the first week of the Spring semester suffered from jet lag. I had been extremely sleepy in the evening every day until today, hope getting better soon. Yesterday, I went to see "Opera scenes" performed by Mannes Opera, since one of my friends was singing in the company. Then today, I participated to First Graduate Student Theory Conference held at Mannes. And in the afternoon, I sang as a chorus member in a program of "Theorists play" Concert. To see each of my friends have their own "stage" and doing their best performance there, makes me feel motivated.





月 (Mon):
Analysis 2

火 (Tue):
Theory 3
20th Century Post-Tonal Theory

水 (Wed):
Analysis 2
Orchestration 2
History Review
Major Lesson
Composition Forum

木 (The):
Ear Training 4
Dictation 4
Formal Structure in Music

金 (Fri):
Theory 3
Score Reading
Keyboard 2
Piano Lesson
Conducting Singers

It was said that we would have heavy snow storm today, many students including me was expecting school to close. But the storm settled down before dawn, so we had school as usual after all even though we still have much snow everywhere on the road. It was third day since school has started, and I had the first lesson for this semester today. The classes for this semester are as listed above.







I came back to NY yesterday. Every time I feel nervous when I wait for entry formalities at the airport, worrying whether I can still speak English as much as I could at the time I were here last time. But I finally felt at home when I was told "Welcome back." by the Immigration Inspector. Although I just intended to take only an hour nap, I did not awake until I slept successive 5 hours (It must have been because I was not able to sleep well in the plane.). And because of that I unconsciously skipped an appointment of hair salon which was bad. . But anyway school starts tomorrow, so I will first try hard to adjust myself to the school life again.




I will be back in NY tomorrow. I feel this two weeks that I stayed at my home was really fast, but I was able to meet my family, teachers and some of my precious friends. By meeting them, and hearing from them, I was able to think about myself in various perspectives. I feel that coming back to home during studying abroad gives me a chance and a clue to understand myself and my situation vividly. I want to put these thoughts into my music someday. Then now, I am going back to finish packing..




ジャズ     1
バレエ/ダンス 2
ミュージカル  4
オペラ     4
コンサート   22  


I have been briefly writing down the records of concerts which I went since last August. And here is the summary.

Concert record (Aug.2010-Dec.2010)
Jazz 1
Ballet/Dance 2
Musical 4
Opera 4
Concert 22
Total 33

21 of them were the concerts I was invited by my friends ( including recitals ) , so only 12 of them were the concerts I voluntarily went (which is less than I thought). I would like to go more concerts or performances this year.




Happy New Year! Thanks for visiting this blog. This is 3rd year since I started writing this blog. I will keep on writing what I find in my life as a student studying abroad to USA. I wish everyone has a great year.