

帰りにリンカーンセンターのPerforming Artsの図書館に寄ろうとしたところ、前の広場で大々的なステージが組まれて大音響のライブが展開していました。図書館ではお静かに…と思いましたが、中に入るとかなり防音されていました。夏なので屋外でのイベントも多いんだなあと思います。

I worked for PC today as well. During my hours, only one student came to practice. It was kind of lonely to be there alone waiting somebody to come though, I think sometimes that happens. The bath room has not been fixed yet, so it might be good that not so much people came. The way home from there, I stopped by Public library for the Performing Arts. There were a big stage set right in front of the library, and heavy music was going on. I thought how does that happen in front of the library where people like to be quiet though, when I went into inside the building, it was not so bad. It seems that many summer events are happening among the city.






I was just asked to work at Practice Center suddenly. I thought it is closed until school starts again though, I heard it is temporarily opened because of the Keyboard festival at school. Anyway I felt I came back to NY when I walk from my apartment to PC. The work itself was okay other than the AC was freezing cold, and water came out from the bath room.. It was less hot today, so it was comfortable.






A wall. This is what I can see from my room's window. Unfortunately, there is not so much light even in the afternoon though, I feel relaxed to be in my room. Today, I started to organize the things in the room.






I came back to NY last night. In this picture, I can see Mannhattan. I took this from the domestic flight from San Francisco to New York. I am relieved to come back to my room though, I cannot even believe I am hear remembering so many things I experienced after I left here. And, NY is actually hot as I heard of befor I came back.

23日目 最終日



Finally, the summer festival was over a few days ago. After the last concert, everyone looked relaxed with changing their clothes from stage dress into casual one.


22日目 最後の週末



I felt a little tiredness yesterday, to have my performance done the day before yesterday. I also feel lonely to realize we only have two more days for this camp. This is the picture of my room here. Yesterday, we had two concerts in a day, and the pieces of my friends were premiered. I enjoyed every pieces. I was also happy that some people still kindly told me that they liked my piece. I was upset that finally my age was revealed to everyone because of the concert program (student composers must be written their birth year with their name on the program.) though, to hear from friends that they were surprised to read my bio, I also felt happy that they took time to read it.


21日目 コンサート



今回の曲は一楽章のみ、5分半の曲でタイトルはString Quintet No.1 "Departure"といいます。このキャンプが始まってさあ何を書こう、と思った時に今回日本から来る際に空港で感じた「境界線上の孤独」というものを書いてみたいと思って、このタイトルとテーマのモチーフを思いつきました。その後色々迷って行き詰まりましたが、結果的にはこうして実際に舞台で演奏してもらえたことをキャンプ初日の自分にはとても想像できなかったなと、終演後に演奏者と撮ってもらった幸せな写真を見ながら思いました。

The concert went very well last night. The program order for my piece was right after the intermission, and during the intermission I was hanging around the hall restlessly. Then one of my performers came to me and said "Are you nervous? Don't worry." I was impressed by both his kindness and his confidence as a performer going to stage. And at the performance, my performers did great job on my piece, and I was really thankful for them. This one movement piece of 5 and half minutes, is named String Quintet No.1 "Departure". I came up with this title and the main motif, wanting to write about "The loneliness on the border" which I felt at the airport coming to here. Although the process for writing this piece was not always successful, I am really happy to see the picture I took with my performers after the concert, recalling I was not able to imagine such a happy moment would come to me when I started writing.


20日目 前日

昨日から全6回のStudent Concertが始まり、作曲科の発表も始まりました。



The series of Student Concert has started yesterday, and one of the composers had his piece performed.There seems to be not so many things left that I can do other than the last rehearsal today though, I think I cannot be relaxed until the performance be done. I also think it is merely one of the concerts of this camp though, I believe this would be a special one for me. I will do my best on the last rehearsal.


19日目 ドレスリハーサル






Today, we had a dress rehearsal. I felt this timing, two days before the concert, is rather early for a dress rehearsal though, I was convinced to hear that the rehearsal schedule is so tight due to the concert schedule, six concerts in four days. Anyway, I was able to make use of the rehearsal time successfully since I took much time for preparing for it today. By the way, I found that to have my piece played by musicians is like have my hair cut by a beautician. I have my own thoughts about what I want them to be, but I do not have the skill to realize it by myself. Thus I think how far my hope would be realized is depending on how I can convey my thoughts by words, how they understand my intention from them, and how my chemistry matches with theirs.. My point is that I was impressed at the rehearsal today when they played exactly, or sometimes more than what I intended.


18日目 リハーサル②




Today, I had the second rehearsal of my piece. The more I try to tell something desperately, the more my English goes broken though, I am really thankful to my players since they responded me with music sincerely. I will do my best on coming rehearsals. By the way, I have been recording how much time I spent composing this time, and the total amount of time was 67hours. I am not sure whether it is too much or somewhat proper for 5 and half minutets piece.. At the same time, I think it took more time to actually "compose" this time than usual, since I did not have much time doing nothing about the piece but thinking about it. I can track how I have been writing this piece if I see the scores which I printed out every time I went to a lesson. I would like to make use of these date for next time composing.


17日目 準備



As I came back from a concert tonight, I heard strange sound, and I found out that it was the sound of automatic watering of the plants in the courtyard. Now I see how they survive under sunny weather. I had the last lesson today, and I spent other time mostly preparing for the rehearsal. I heard the sound from other rooms that other composers are starting their rehearsals. I cannot believe that we will leave here in a week from today.


16日目 初リハーサル



Yesterday, I went to a beach for a field trip, but unfortunatelly it was not the best wheather for going to a beach at that time. In addition, I forgot putting my SD card into my camera, so that's why I don't have any pictures of the beach.. Anyway, I took this picture at the courtyard of my dorm. I also had my first rehearsal for my piece yesterday. I suppose that this piece is not so hard to play technically though, I was worrying how it goes. I was finally relieved when they run throuth the piece in the end of the rehearsal. The performance will happen on this Friday evening.


15日目 終止線




Finally, I printed my scores out and gave them to my performers today. Mr. Fitch, the guest composer, said "To compose is a journey." Now I appreciate these words more. I have been wondering how far I can go, or at least whether I can reach somewhere or not. But, recalling every anxieties I had in this journey, I can tell they did not stay the same. They came one after another as I go, which I hope means I was moving forward anyway. So now I decided to finish this piece for returning forward to the performance, believing I have done what I can do for now.


14日目 追い込み



Since I want to give parts to performers tomorrow, I have been composing all the day today. Although I cannot feel relaxed because of the deadline, this situation which I can concentrate only on composition is so precious.


13日目 ゲストコンポーザー(コンサート)




This is the building where we go for a lesson, a meeting, and a concert. Today, we had a class of Alexander technique. I was surprised to see how posture affects the performance when one pianist played very well immediately after she changed her posture. The sound was exactly what she was asked for at the master class a few days ago. In the evening, there was a concert featuring Mr. Fitch's pieces. I was especially impressed by his string quartet. It was a very difficult piece to play in terms of both technique and ensemble though, the performers played amazingly well. Their musicianship, concentration, and teamwork as a group were great. I want to write a piece which draw performer's concentration highly like this some day.


12日目 ゲストコンポーザー(レッスン)



Today, I took a lesson from Mr. Fitch. It was a really helpful one, then I found out what should I learn to make me better. I got many things to think about. In the evening, I went to listen to the chamber music master class. Although I somehow got so hungry during the masterclass, it was good.


11日目 ゲストコンポーザー来訪


今日から3日間ゲストコンポーザーのKeith Fitch氏がキャンプに来られています。明日はレッスン、明後日は彼の曲の演奏会があります。キャンプもそろそろ折り返し地点に差し掛かりました。

What you can see over the fountain is a soccer ground. Since it's summer, I saw many kids of different teams coming here one after another for a training camp. It is such a good facility for soccer camp especially because of a lawn.. I pass by this ground everyday to go to class thinking if Japanese kids can also practice on these lawn all the time, they must be happy. By the way, Mr. Keith Fitch, a guest composer arrived today and will stay here for three days. I will have a lesson with him tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow we will going to listen to his music on a concert. I noticed almost half of this camp has passed.


10日目 作曲



It is foggy in the morning till noon, and sunny in daytime until 7pm here in Sonoma. Even though there is few rain here, there are many hydrangeas in bloom. I am really impressed on how people here take care of these plants, flowers and lawns at this big campus. Today, I mostly spent time composing after the daily meeting for composers in the morning. Since we have to finish our piece within this week and have to prepare the parts, so this week is going to be the most busy one.


9日目 日曜日




There was no MT today since it was Sunday. I could go to a museum for a field trip though, I chose to stay composing today. I feel day passes so fast even though there was no certain schedule.

8日目 コンサート




Yesterday, I went to bed as soon as I went back from a concert. The concert was for "Young artist", so some of us performed, and it was good eventhough it was a long concert. I was able to see how each people are doing their music, and I was also able to remember their name by the program. It is always good to present oneself in front of classmates to know each other, but the chance for composers would be coming at the very end of this camp.


7日目 マスタークラス(ピアノ)




Today, I went to a master class of piano.
Since, the student who took the lesson today was really young, it recalls me of my only experience that I took a piano lesson in public in my childhood. It was one of Mozart's sonatas, and I was not able to respond to the teacher well. I remenber how sad I was on the way home then.
By the way, I realized how phrasing is important for piano playing. It might be because of the impression of violin last night, I felt expressing the dynamics of music with notes which is going away at once is difficult.


6日目 マスタークラス(バイオリン)




Today, I had the second composition lesson. I was very nervous that my piece was not going so well (It's still is though), I felt better after I talked with my teacher at the lesson.

I also feel refreshed that I did the laundry, and had my bed sheet exchanged.

At the evening, I went to the Master class of violin. To see a lesson of others always makes me think and learn something, and it also made me miss my violin which I left in NY.


5日目 プレゼン



I am a kind of person who has no sense of direction, so I was not able to walk to the cafeteria or to the classroom alone until yesterday. But I made it today! I felt that remembering a way is like remembering a school song that we memorize without any special attention but by singing many times. In the meeting today, we did a little presentation of each pieces. I am now writing a string quintet. I am interested in every pieces which is going to coming up though, I myself is in a hurry to write my own piece.


4日目 初レッスン






It was a busy morning today, since I overslept because of the missetting of the alarm. Anyway, I had my first lesson. And in the evening, Iwent to an recreation event and saw the movie "UP". Actually, I was wondering whether to go, but it was worth going. The movie was really good. I always like the story of Pixer's movie. By the way, I somehow aware of the music while I was watching the movie today. Usually I hardly recognaize music itself in the movie. Then I noticed that there are many people insisting that it is too unnatural to sing suddenly in the opera or the musical though, there are few people insisting the same thing about music in the movie. Anyway, I understood that music is such close to our emotion eventhough it is not always there in our actual daily life like movie.


3日目 お話






It was foggy this morning, so I thought it would be croudy today though, it turned out to be sunny as usuall around the noon.

At the meeting today, we had to tell some stories in each in front of everyone to understand how story is organaized, for make use of the concept to our composition.

I told my own story of a chorus contest at high school days. The rough story is that I once accompanied the class and terribly failed at the performance, but next year I was able to accompany well and the class won a prize. At that time, I was really dipressed about the failure, but now, I sometimes tell this story in front of people as one of my precious stories. Life is amazing.

Still I was nervous before I talk, since it was first time telling this story in English. But afterward, I was happy that I was somehow able to finish it, and got favarable comments on it.

I thought it was a very good assignment, and it was interesting that all the stories were different in style and of corse in its contents.


2日目 Faculty Concert

今日はフェスティバル(CSM:California Summer Music@Sonoma State University)の二日目ということで、作曲科の学生が初めて集まってのミーティングがあり、全部で10人いるということがわかりました。






There was a first meeting for composers in the morning, and I found out that we are altogether 10 composers at CSM.

This campus is so big that we have to walk at least 10 minutes to get to the cafeteria though, it must be good for health. It is almost always sunny during the day so it is warm though, it gets very cold at night and morning.

I went to a faculty concert tonight. I want to write about what I felt about performing in general stimulated by that concert.

I thought to perform is like playing "squash".

In squash, a player have to strike a ball strongly enough to the wall to reach other player behind him. I think the wall would be a piece, racket would be an insturment, and ball would be the sound. I think it is my best answer for my own question regarding performance, the relationship between performer, piece, and the audience.


1日目 Summer Festival





夕方にかけてミーティングやレクリエーションがあったのですが、このフェスティバルに来ている学生の年齢層は12.5歳~29歳らしく、10代の子たちが半分以上のようでした。軽く年齢カルチャーショック:自分は年相応に見られない(ひどければ10歳以上幼く見られている)、相手の実年齢もとても信じられない(少なくとも22歳くらいだと思っていたら、16歳だったり13歳だったり…)を昨年のNew Schoolのオリエンテーションの時以上に感じてはらはらしましたが、アメリカの10代はこんな感じなのかとかえって人生勉強にもなりそうです。


I have been here at San Francisco from yesterday. The picture is the scinery from the window on my domitry room.

I did not have enough time to well prepare for leaving for here though, fortunately I was able to get here so smoothly.

But actually, I was a little nervous when I was waiting for the flight at the airport. Since the waiting time for the flight was long, I felt a little loneliness as to travel alone for a new place. In addition, I realized that the airport is very ambiguous place which is neigther a destination nor a home.

But when I got to the university on San Francisco where this summer festival is held, I became cheerful since the weather was good. Moreover, I got happy to know that the domitry room which was assigned to me was a beautiful single room.

In the evening, there were some meetings and orientations. Since most of the participants at this festival are teenagers, I got a little culture shock on the gap between their looks and actual age. But it may be a good chance to know what American teenagers are like.

I suppose to know more datailed schedule today, so I want to start concentrating on studying soon.










I am leaving for California tomorrow.

I am packing again in midnight. Every time I do pack, I find myself doing it in very last minutes.

This time, I did not let most of my friends to know about my coming back, since the timing and the length of the stay is not good enough to meet all of them. But I was happy that still I was able to meet some of them. Thanks.

At the same time, I found that there are important things that I can learn by coming back to home during my study in the USA. Although I should try not to coming back so often to save money, it is a good chance to think about my situation and realize what I learned.

I want to organize my thoughts though, I have to organize my room first..

I will write this blog more often when I settle down at California.