




ジーグ: バロック時代の組曲を構成する基本舞曲のひとつ。15世紀のジグが機嫌とされるが、名称は弦楽器gigaよりも動詞giguer(跳ぶ)に由来する。17世紀には2拍子系も存在したが、多くは複合拍子。*『新編 音楽中辞典』より

Today is my brother's birthday. Happy Birthday to you, my brother!! By the way, today is also a special day for me. Today is the 10000th day since I was born, according to one of the websites which can calculate it from birth of date. It is impressive that I have been able to living for good 10000 days.

《A music term of the day》
Gigue : A fast Baroque dance movement in binary form, the last movement of the mature suite. The details of rhythm and texture vary greatly, deriving from Italian and French models. *Definition by "Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"