
Boris Godunov





アラベスク(1)装飾的で幻想的な小曲に用いられる標題。原意は「アラビアふうの」で、もともとはアラビア建築の美術的装飾をさす。(2)ドビュッシーのピアノ曲《2つのアラベスク》。1890年頃作曲。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I went to see Mussorgsky's opera, Boris Godunov, at the metropolitan opera tonight. The story is about the life of historical Russian ruler Boris Godunov, and it made me think of the difficulties to decide anything in life. We have to decide many things throughout our lives, and there are always regrets following. So I think we have no way than to believe any decision we made was "right" for ourselves and people around us from the viewpoint of our fate. Anyway, I enjoyed the opera.

A music term of the day

Arabesque. An ornament characteristic of Arabic art and architecture; hence, similarly decorative or florid musical material. As a title, the term is used by Schumann (Op.18), Debussy, and others. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"