



  武満徹(193010・8 東京—1996220 同地):作曲家。ほとんど独学で作曲を学び、1951年に画家や詩人とともに「実験工房」を結成。5727歳のときの《弦楽のためのレクイエム》で音楽界に登場した。戦後の欧米の現代音楽の動向から影響を受けながら、創作活動を展開し、無調やミュジック・コンクレートなどの新しい作風をとりいれ、多くの映画音楽も作曲した。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

According to the TV News the temperature now is -14℃. Although I live very close from school and do not have to walk a lot to get there, I am still afraid to go outside in such a cold day. Any way, I will leave for school soon..

A music term of the day

Takemitsu, Toru (b.Tokyo,8 Oct. 1930;d.there, 20 Feb.1996). Composer. Largely self-taught, experimented with Euro-American avant-garde trends including serialism, aleatory, extended instrumental techniques, mixed-media performances, graphic notation, and electronic and tape music. In the early 1960s began to work with Cage; also incorporated traditional Japanese instruments into his compositions. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"