







トーン・ポエム:もともとはドイツ語でトーンディヒトゥング(音詩)といい、1830年にレーヴェがピアノ作品に与えた名称。初期ドイツ・ロマン派の芸術思想では、作曲家のことをトーンディヒター(音詩人)ととらえたことに由来する。これを19世紀末にR.シュトラウスが交響詩の意味で用い、シベリウスらもオーケストラ作品にあてはめた。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I am happy today because I was mentioned about my improvement in both English and Violin lesson. Anyway, I sometimes read Japanese books these days. I was trying not to do that last year because I thought I have no room doing that to learn English. Last night, I read one book about the life of International student written by a counselor. Since I read it many times before I came here, I thought I am still remembering most of the contents. But I was actually encouraged a lot again. The book answered my worries as a second year International student as well. After I went to bed and before I fell asleep, I recalled the days I was preparing for coming here. It is still on the middle way of studying, but I felt I should be proud of myself for some extent that I was able to be here for almost one and a half year.

A music term of the day

Tone poem=Symphonic poem. An orchestral piece whose music is accompanied by a program, i.e., a text, generally poetic or narrative in nature, which is meant to be read by the audience before listening to the work. As is true for other types of program music, the program may be rather brief and vague ( and may even consist merely of a suggestive title), or it may be long and detailed. Similarly, the music may be related to the program only very generally or in a myriad of specific ways. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"