





アゴーギク 演奏にさいし、厳格なテンポによらず、むしろ速さを微妙に変化させることによって音楽に表情を与えること。緩急法。『新編 音楽中辞典』より

I had my composition lesson today. I actually meant to finish the piece which I am now working on much earlier than today. But finally, I am almost there to finish it and will make the parts by next week. This time, I realized that I have been too obsessed with how to make the piece longer until just recently. In other words, I was mainly worrying about the structure and the melody & harmony. I did not recognize that making the piece thicker in terms of texture needs almost the same amount of time as I spent to make it longer. I think that is why I need much time to finish the piece after I thought I am almost done. One other thing I felt was that composition never goes well if I am not really into it. I had hard time going into the piece this time, but I have been able to concentrate on it these days. After I came back from school yesterday, I composed for almost 7 hours successively other than I ate and did some houseworks. I felt my mind got exhausted after that, but felt happy about this situation at the same time.

A music term of the day

(1) An agogic accent is one created by duration rather than by loudness or metrical position. (2) In the plural form, agogics, those aspects of performance related to duration, and by extension tempo, in the way that dynamics are related to loudness; thus, the use of rubato or other departures from strictly notated durations. *Definition by "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"