
On Campus jobs


Room Scheduling Office
Practice Center
Orchestra Librarian

今日は午前中に1つ授業を終えてから、晩までその3つを立て続けに渡り歩く日でした。Room Scheduling OfficeとPractice Centerでは主に部屋の予約を取るのが仕事なので、人の名前のスペルを早く一回で聞き取れるようになりたいです。Orchestra Librarianではコピー機の使い方をマスターできそうです。

ストラディヴァーリ、アントーニオ(1644から49 クレモナ?-1737同地): イタリアのクレモナのヴァイオリン制作者。

I got more on campus jobs this semester than last one, then I am now working for three offices as listed above. Today, I had all of them successively right after I finish one class in the morning. At Room Scheduling Office and Practice Center, my main job is to book practice rooms for students, so my first goal for them is to became good at catching students' name correctly at once when they spell it for me. And as an orchestra librarian, I expect myself to be sufficient to use a copy machine.

《A music term of the day》
Stradivari, Antonio (b. Cremona?,1644;d.there?,18 Dec.1737) : Instrument maker. *Definition from "The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians"