
Piano performance





I came up with an idea about piano performance when I was listening to one of my friends playing the piano in the Score Reading class. I think the phenomenon, playing the piano, is dependent on how fast, from what angle, and how heavy, the power will be put on the keyboard. But the instance of touching the keyboard will not exist by itself. It should be connecting from the preceding gesture and musical mind of the performer to make a musical sound. I feel it is similar to the fact that tree has the same depth of root in the ground as it's branch. For now, I only can read score note by note, like almost murmuring on the keyboard. But when she, a pianist, plays piano from the score, it is still a good performance. Every notes are alive forming the piece, and her gesture seems connecting to the notes she makes. It reminds me of a big tree. Even though I cannot play piano like a pianist, when I play it, I would like to do it more musically.